The online racing simulator
Toasted clutch in rallycross. Sorry if I missed faq
When I try to run manual in rallycross at blackwood, I usually end up with a dead clutch after 3.5 laps pretty consistent. I tried messing with bounce time but that makes minimal difference. most people have no trouble and no idea what i;m talkin about, occ I see someone else with same exact problem

Any thoughts??

I have a logitech wingman formula force
left paddle for up right for down right thumb button for clutch
PB is 1.11.01 in auto gears usually 12.2 or so

name over car is DAD
would love to paddle shift without clutch if that is possible

[email protected]

#2 - DeKo
do a run and upload a replay, will give us a good idea what you're doing wrong.
Using auto clutch and lifting on gear changes will sort your problems. 'sides, Button clutch is
oay, can you point the way, not tard;d, just ignorant
from the options menu, I have auto, or sequential

where is auto clutch?

my current clutch choices are whichever button I select, and the six puck on my corolla
Don't hold throttle while in the air or on landings. Aside from that, we'll need a replay
Dont step the gas while being in the air.
And let of you clutch unless you're shifting.
Quote from DeKo :do a run and upload a replay, will give us a good idea what you're doing wrong.

run laps in single mode got it
save replay, might muddle thru that
upload, K; where is the file saved, and upload to where> lfs world?


Quote from Stefani24 :Dont step the gas while being in the air.
And let of you clutch unless you're shifting.

I do tend to keep nessie flat and steer thru it all
single player replays (.spr) are saved to /data/spr

you can attach a file when posting on the forum by clicking 'manage attachments' button located somewhere below the text box
a replay
thanks for the advice!!!

and don't spare the criticism, I can take it. all growed up now
Attached files
meicalnissyen_BL2_XFG.spr - 469.5 KB - 164 views
Your clutch seems to be coping from that replay. What's the problem?
Quote from thisnameistaken :Your clutch seems to be coping from that replay. What's the problem?

Yup, 10 laps and not even out of the orange section. Nothing wrong with the clutch here
#12 - senn
Watched the replay, your clutch is a little warm, but no more so than i'd expect (you might notice the slip a little, but it shouldn't be too bad)
Your tyres, especially the fronts are a little warm tho

i often find the clutch on the RB4 heats up a treat on have to really watch how you drive if its a long race..
As has been said, basically you have to lift off the throttle when you get some 'air' otherwise your clutch will overheat. The same can be said of some cars at South City: if your setup is too stiff, the car gets 'air' a lot and the clutch dies before you can do anything about it.
this "autoclutch... how does that work??
Like I said, from the controls screen I can choose auto or sequential
on clutch I can choose axis which does nothing or pick a button

with some cars not the xfg I have noticed you can shift while you lift, at times

is there a way to tie the clutch to the paddle??
Quote from meicalnissyen :THANKS FOR THE REPLIES!!!
this "autoclutch... how does that work??
Like I said, from the controls screen I can choose auto or sequential
on clutch I can choose axis which does nothing or pick a button

with some cars not the xfg I have noticed you can shift while you lift, at times

is there a way to tie the clutch to the paddle??

You can use the paddle as a clutch, but not like an axis. Autoclutch is just what it sounds like, you don't have to manually do it yourself. Pick sequential shifting if you still want to manually shift but you do not have a separate shifter. I still use buttons on the wheel to shift, but I took a broken wheel where the pedals still worked, and hooked it up so I can use a pedal(axis) for a clutch. It surely makes the game more fun, if you don't have a spare wheel do what I did and find a cheap one at a flea market. I paid $5 for mine.
Some cars in LFS if using autoclutch you dont need to lift at all XFG XRG FXO UF1 all spring to mind, others you really need to lift at every upshift to avoid overheating.

Interestingly when talking TBO (xrT rB4 fxO) I think the reason the FXO is considered the fastest and RB4 the slowest is exactly for this reason.

All the road cars should IMO behave the same clutch heat wise, this would make them both more realistic (in terms of having to lift) and more interesting to race.

Most of the faster racers you see will be using autoclutch, you can still operate the clutch manually if you have one (G25 for example) whilst set to auto.


Edit: PS I've heard you could use a profiller to record macro's to clutch in-shift up-clutch out, really fast and bind to padals, I personally frown upon macro use like that.
Quote from meicalnissyen :
Like I said, from the controls screen I can choose auto or sequential
on clutch I can choose axis which does nothing or pick a button

Auto clutch...Options--->Driver--->Auto clutch...yes.
I've not taken a look at your setup or your replay, but a few basic strategy's to prevent overheating of the clutch would include.

- Lift on gear change. Flatshifting is one of the quickest ways to roast yer clutch.

- Lift in the air. There is alot of differential between frictionless air time to hitting the ground, thats alot of strain for any clutch/drivetrain assemble let alone a digital one.

- Marry up the gear ratios closer. It's something I do alot, I manual pedal clutch with stick shift and matching revs is not my strong point. If you bring the ratios closer together you get less overall stress between gear ratios and the clutch takes less off a bashing as a result. Of course, that is track specific. It's something you'll have to learn to play with and adapt to your style of racing.

- Get a foot clutch.