The online racing simulator
It's tomorrow I'll try to be there and have some fun with shifter
shiiit yes
I got me dates mixed up. But sadly, I have another birthday party to attend tonight
Will not come after all this evening, sorry. Due to some problems I can only use wireless now, and I do lag so much I canot provide a safe race. Last I checked I had over 200 on most servers, and that just ain't fair to the other competetors to lag all over place. Sorry for that, hope I have sorted out new hardware to next week
Quote from The Very End :Don't think like that mate, last race I was in people were 3 seconds faster than me anyway It's fun fun fun!

I don;'t know I have this attitude that if i'm not winning or in top 5 i can't enjoy myself. I always need to be as high as possible and when that's not possible i'm depressed. What's wrong with me... i can't enjoy my races like i would like How to cure this state? That's a serious post.
So that guy in the avatar is you after all? Sometimes you need to accept that there are faster people out there then you, I really don't care if I finish in the top positions or on the back, as long I've got somebody to battle with I'm happy.
Yea troy but u are the alien so u don't have to bother about being not in first 3. I saw you many times batlting from the end for fun. It is fun i agree but seeing you or any other alien closing in the mirrors makes me feel like a freakin sunday driver that don't fit to play with anyone. What a piece of %^$&.
Ah common, I've got the same feeling if I see dave, hugo, rudy or whoever closing down on me. It still is good fun trying to hold them back for a little while. We're only racing for fun here anyway, mostly it's even easier to drive if I'm a little more relaxed.
Ur posts worked for few minuts till i saw some of you on the server. Sry i can't stand this....
Took me forever to catch up again with the stats and standings, sorry guys

And the last combo chosen by guru:

Date: Thursday, September 3rd 2009
Server: CR|LRF Racing
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX4
Track: Aston Club (AS2)


Qualification: 10 minutes
Sprint Race 1: 9 laps
Sprint Race 2: 9 laps (rev grid)
Main Race : 20 laps (rev grid)
Attached files
LX4_AS2_Bawba_hot.set - 132 B - 811 views
LX4_as2_squas2615.set - 132 B - 865 views
Do you not count then Troy?
Whoops, maybe I should use the same name next time! Might want to add my points together
Sorry for that, fixed now.
First combo chosen by gfresh (I know I'm late again)

Date: Thursday, September 10th 2009
Server: CR|LRF Racing
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX6
Track: Aston North (AS7)


Qualification: 10 minutes
Sprint Race 1: 5 laps
Sprint Race 2: 5 laps (rev grid)
Main Race : 12 laps (rev grid)

edit: added another set, old set by hannu with tweaked gearing and brakes.
Attached files
LX6_AS7_splat_hot.set - 132 B - 852 views
LX6_as7 hannu.set - 132 B - 851 views
#266 - dev
One of the best combos I have ever driven I'll try to make it today.
Somehow I managed to make a mistake with the uploaded set, the brake balance was 50% instead of 64, that is fixed now if you downloaded it already change it manually or download again.

i would like to join in, but where should I register at, and is it possible?

Love LX racing
Quote from First Post :As the name 'public' implies, everybody is welcome to join us, no need for a sign up, just arrive and drive.

It's arrive & drive
Standings Updated, you can see the stats at the spdo database

Next combo:

Date: Thursday, September 17th 2009
Server: CR|LRF Racing
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX4
Track: South City Town rev (SO5r)


Qualification: 10 minutes
Sprint Race 1: 7 laps
Sprint Race 2: 7 laps (rev grid)
Main Race : 16 laps (rev grid)
Attached files
LX4_SO5r_bio_spr.set - 132 B - 854 views
LX4_so5r race.set - 132 B - 839 views
I honestly shocked myself at how poor i was around the City last night
Just couldn't seem to find any rhythm, i reckon i needed a few days practice
Standings updated, stats available via spdo:

Next week GFresh decided to run a tweaked LX round, we will run the LX7.5 around Blackwood GP reversed. I will post the exact "how to join the server" later this week, if anybody wants to do some testing already you can get the tweak files and info's you need already here:

If you run into any trouble post here
This Thursday it is tweaked LX time again, be sure to exactly follow the how to, last time we did this a lot of people struggled with the slick settings so I added an extra picture for that.

Date: Thursday, September 24th 2009
Server: CR|LRF Racing
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX6(.5)
Track: Blackwood GP rev (BL1r)


Qualification: 10 minutes
Sprint Race 1: 8 laps
Sprint Race 2: 8 laps (rev grid)
Main Race : 19 laps (rev grid)

Before you go onto the Server:

1. Get LFSTweak3 (build 1) from (sorry no direct link not sure if I'm allowed to)
2. download and extract the tweakpreset (preferably to the lfstweak directory)
3. open lfs, go to singleplayer, join a random track with the lx6
4. open lfstweak, load the preset you downloaded, hit apply (check picture)
5. go to settings (in lfstweak) and set both slickmod options to yes (check the picture, these steps are important to get right)
6. load the attached LX 7.5 setups, go back to lfs, into the pits and load one of the setups, check if you're on slicks and join the track.

Now you're ready to get online. Get off the single player mode and join our Server.
*This whole thing doesn't work with testpatches, you need lfs.exe version Z.
Attached files
LX6_lx75 bl1 qual.set - 132 B - 1186 views
LX6_lx75 bl1 dave.set - 132 B - 1050 views - 204 B - 412 views
The server is running on the tweak settings now, if anybody wants to get some practice you're welcome to join.

Edit: I've set a password to prevent people without the tweak applied ot join

Password: lxtweak

'Public' Concept LX racing (weekly)
(282 posts, started )