The online racing simulator
Stats from last race (which was very enjoyable thanks for joining again) and final standings:

Congrats to Karolis, he managed to win with Guru as a close second.
First combo chosen by Karolis:

Date: Thursday, July 16th 2009
Server: CR|LRF Racing
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX6
Track: Fern Bay Green (FE2)


Qualification: 10 minutes
Sprint Race 1: 8 laps
Sprint Race 2: 8 laps (rev grid)
Main Race : 19 laps (rev grid)
Attached files
LX6_FE2_SiL-X_hot.set - 132 B - 797 views
stats from last week:

Next combo:

Date: Thursday, July 23rd 2009
Server: CR|LRF Racing
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX4
Track: South City Classic (SO1)


Qualification: 10 minutes
Sprint Race 1: 12 laps
Sprint Race 2: 12 laps (rev grid)
Main Race : 26 laps (rev grid)
Attached files
LX4_so1_SaxO_2656.set - 132 B - 2485 views
LX4_so1__DUcK2682.set - 132 B - 934 views
LX4_SO4_DaveW_hot.set - 132 B - 830 views
Hey there,

Is there room for a newbie in LX racing?
I'm a great fan of the car but I'm not that good driving with it.
I practised some laps and it seems all right if I'm easy on the throttle ...

sir KitKat
There is always space for anybody, that's the reason why it's called public. Unless you plan to crash the full field in t1, then I need to deny access for you
Last weeks stats and standings:

This weeks combo:

Date: Thursday, July 30th 2009
Server: CR|LRF Racing
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX6
Track: Blackwood GP (BL1)


Qualification: 10 minutes
Sprint Race 1: 8 laps
Sprint Race 2: 8 laps (rev grid)
Main Race : 20 laps (rev grid)
Attached files
LX6_BL1_DaveW_hot.set - 132 B - 1015 views
LX6_bl1_hannu2030.set - 132 B - 992 views
Sorry I've got the date wrong, of course we will be LX racing tonight.
I hated that chicane layout, since i first saw it. And in the end it killed me. Please, no more tyres.
Shame that it went so bad for you Kid, I tried to stop people from cutting like mad over these curbs, next time I'll probably need to add a barrier.

Sorry that it took so long with the results but here they are:

and tomorrow's combo (last one chosen by karolis):

Date: Thursday, August 6th 2009
Server: CR|LRF Racing
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX4
Track: Aston National (AS3)


Qualification: 10 minutes
Sprint Race 1: 5 laps
Sprint Race 2: 5 laps (rev grid)
Main Race : 11 laps (rev grid)
Attached files
LX4_AS3_Chano_hot.set - 132 B - 855 views
LX4_as3_e2mus2194.set - 132 B - 969 views
Had some nice racing last Thursday, shame about the crashes in the longer race, thought about that for some time now and maybe it's necessary to modify the rules a little and just start the first 10 (or maybe everybody who finished the last race) reversed for the longer race. That would mean a little more work but it should be safer and more fun for 80% of the grid.

Here the stats and final standings for the last 4 weeks, congratulations to guru, a well deserved first place there.
Well if i had have made it to more than 2 of the last 4 weeks, i may have finished a place or two higher than 5th in the final standings...
First combo chosen by guru:

Date: Thursday, August 13th 2009
Server: CR|LRF Racing
Start: 18:30 UTC
Car: LX6
Track: Kyoto GP Long (KY3)


Qualification: 10 minutes
Sprint Race 1: 4 laps
Sprint Race 2: 4 laps (rev grid)
Main Race : 10 laps (rev grid)

We'll be running a layout with a proper chicane made by PMD9409, just added a safety exit and edited it a little to keep tyres from rolling into the racing line.
Attached images
Attached files
LX6_KY3_Paddi_end.set - 132 B - 920 views
LX6_ky3_hannu1641.set - 132 B - 821 views
This seems interesting, if I am home at that time I will join in for this
Going to miss it again, got to get up early and be able to drive tomorrow.
Will the server be up running before? I want to practice something before the race/qualify session
Quote from The Very End :Will the server be up running before? I want to practice something before the race/qualify session

the server is running 24/7

if you are not sure about the name, on the right side from our website you will find a selection called "Servers". its the last one.
Awesome stuff there Hotmail, thanks for the help and tips
Sorry double post, but thanks for a lot of great fun today!

Sure, I sucked, and I did not get the feel of the car, but I enjoyed it. Next time I'll put down some more practice and learn one set instead of chaning from race to race
Wasn´t a that good race 1 for me. I clipped someone on the turn before the oval in lap 1 and crashed. Sorry to whoever I bumped into. Race 2? Nah, got ruined by my non-existing setup modifying skills. Sorry to whoever I crashed into after turn 2. I couldn´t avoid you. Retired from that one. Race 3? Couldn´t be bothered anymore to drive a car I hate. And last but not least I want to say sorry to TVE for sending him such a rubbish setup.
Don't say that. The setup made it a lot more easier to drive that car, and I can trust you that I canot make any setups myself
It was a great feeling set, but seems stability lost to raw power, and that's not your fault, that's the aliens fault
Quote from The Very End :Don't say that. The setup made it a lot more easier to drive that car, and I can trust you that I canot make any setups myself
It was a great feeling set, but seems stability lost to raw power, and that's not your fault, that's the aliens fault

Sorry, but that´s my fault. I should stop modifying setups.
I should stop driving, would sort out a lot of problems

Joke aside, the setup was great, I never driven the LX before I think, so it's great as a learning setup and thought me some basics of that car, for that I'm gratefull
Good then. I just wish that the next combo would be something with LX4. I´d love to race then.
Yeah, LX6 is a nightmare, it's probally fun when you masters it, but I question how the ass of that car reacts. Sure, it should be slippery, but spinning in 3th gear is just.. it's just too much, also getting the ass in line again if you get a slide is a complete nightmare and I do seriously hope it don't act like that in real life or it's a deathtrap.

When that is said, enjouyable care when you masters it, but please, next time do the lx4 ?
Quote from The Very End :but please, next time do the lx4 ?

We're always switching between LX6 and 4. So next Thursday is LX4 time. Good racing tonight, had lots of fun and lost like 2l of water during the races.

'Public' Concept LX racing (weekly)
(282 posts, started )