The online racing simulator
Stiffer springs for lighter cars
Hey !

Just a little suggestion here. Everybody knows that the lighter a car is, the higher the spring frequency it will need will be. For instance, a car like the FXO requires springs that are between 2.2 and 2.3Hz, while a light car like the LX4 or the UFR would need something around 3.0-3.2Hz.

The spring stiffness is directly linked to the spring's frequency. The stiffer a spring will be, the higher will be its frequency. However, in LFS, for the light cars (except the formulas with downforce), we can't select springs that should be stiff enough to acheive those frequencies because the selection range's maximum is lower that the optimum spring rate.

So my point is :

Allow us to select stiffer springs for the light road cars and baby GTR. The XRT is too heavy to require springs that have a stiffness of 160, while 120 should be appropriate for the UFR or the LX4.
Wow, they are high frequencies for soft road car style cars. 2Hz is a pretty lean purebred race car with moderate downforce, not fat, overweight, high CoG family cars on a track (the FXO). 3Hz is high downforce cars that are built as a totally rigid racing platform usually with low CoGs, not tranditionally very soft cars like Sevens.
Thanks for the precisions Tristan, I guess I'll have to read more

So what should be the optimal frequency for the LX ? around 2Hz as well ?

One more question, it might look stupid but...

Should we choose the springsd according to their undamped frequency, or should it doesn't matter that much if we consider the damped frequency ?
We should just have a 3 toggle switch to avoid confusion.

"Sport".. "Comfort", irrelevant really, and "sport plus" or something crap like that.
Personnally I harden the springs until the car is too uncontrollable, it depends on the track conditions too, so an unique spring frequency per car for every track is not suggested. Furthermore the correct term is "natural frequency" which seems to be calculated without dampers interaction.

AFAIK the high spring freqs noticed in elite competition cars are due to the pilot's alien skills, and compensation for high side wall dimensions effects of the F1 cars for example.