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Disabling Mouse Acceleration on College Computers

At my college they have these super duper Dell XPS Pc's that run like crap on the network. Being on a computer design course, a decent mouse is quite essential for things like photoshop. The mice here are the crap standard dell ones, they're probably okay if the sensitivity isn't 3cm = 2000 pixels.

Anyway, mouse sensitivity is turned on too which makes these mice useless. Is there anyway to disable the mouse acceleration without being able to access control panel? I can't install programs either so I guess i'd have to run it from a USB stick or whatever.

Anyone heard of a thing like this?

#2 - STF
Can you import HKCU(current user) registry values ? If so, try this
Or maybe you can do it from command line, if an error appears on GUI, telling you that it is forbidden.

You can backup the old values to c:\backup.reg if you wish, by using(in cmd.exe):
reg export "hkcu\control panel\mouse" c:\backup.reg

and import the attached file (mouse_fix.reg) from "C:\" by using
reg import c:\mouse_fix.reg

Attached files - 296 B - 250 views
#3 - Bean0
Don't arse about with the computers, they are set like that for a reason.
Contravening measures to protect the PCs would be sternly punished I imagine.

It does seem you have a valid point though, can you take it up with your Design Tutor ?
If he/she can be brought onside then you may be able to get the IT bods to alter the settings for you.

Have you tried bringing in a different mouse?
Quote from Bean0 :Don't arse about with the computers, they are set like that for a reason.
Contravening measures to protect the PCs would be sternly punished I imagine.

Changing the option is harmless. It's set that way because it's default; that doesn't make it the best choice. Also, the settings will revert to default when the user logs off, and the next on (in all the cases I've seen).

Quote :It does seem you have a valid point though, can you take it up with your Design Tutor ?
If he/she can be brought onside then you may be able to get the IT bods to alter the settings for you.

It's The Right Way to go about it, but getting a sysadmin to do a global settings change for one person is going to be.. challenging I'd imagine

Quote :Have you tried bringing in a different mouse?

Issue has nothing to do with the physical properties of the mouse. The mouse acceleration option exponentially accelerates the speed of the mouse cursor depending on movement speed, making it extremely inaccurate in precision use.
Quote from Bean0 :Don't arse about with the computers, they are set like that for a reason.
Contravening measures to protect the PCs would be sternly punished I imagine.

It does seem you have a valid point though, can you take it up with your Design Tutor ?
If he/she can be brought onside then you may be able to get the IT bods to alter the settings for you.

Have you tried bringing in a different mouse?

Tried a different mouse but it makes no difference.

Will ask the IT guy a bit later and see what he says.