Hi I'm sebby! I'm not sure exactly what part you need help with, but I'm guessing from the title of this post, it's about graphic designs right? or maybe tutorials about graphic design? =)
There are many tutorials you can find online, that don't cost anything, same thing goes for the programs that graphic designers use. Many people know of Adobe Photoshop CS3, supppsedly it is the best one, but it costs a lot of money, and is EXTREMELY complex, not to mention it can take up a lot of memory if you are making something with a lot of filters, special brushes and effects.
When you say "make a tutorial", or to "edit screenshots", what kind of editing do you need? Maybe a better question is, what is it that you want created, or edited? Do you have an example? Or can you show me what you have, and what you want done to it? (maybe resizing, layering objects on top of each other, or even creating it from scratch).
I Just finished a simple diagrahm installation guide this morning, complete with screenshots that show exactly what the people where a little confused about, perhaps you can take a look, and get an idea from it, then you can also get a general idea on how the tutorial you want would look like. =)
I can make it for you, no problem, I enjoy helping people. =) you can send me a message here, or to my email, and I'll do my best to help you out. =)
[email protected]
(note: this picture, and all the objects in it including the logo and the skin I made for the car, was 100% created in about 30 minutes, only 1 program... MSPaintbrush... I just used the CMX viewer to show the skin)