The online racing simulator
hi guys [clutch question]
(9 posts, started )
hi guys [clutch question]
Hey guys,

I've got myself back into LFS after a good year or so break to find out its up to patch Z (was U when i left).

I was driving around in the BF1 on Redline Racing 7 server, when all of a sudden my car was reving high but barely moving.... i asked some1 in the server and he said "press F9 do u have a red bar...." i did...
turns out my clutch was burnt out, he went on to tell me that you need to lift off when shifting now to avoid this... so i did for a few days, then somebody told me it isn't required in the BF1 so i stopped doing it... but why was my clutch burning out?

basically im here to ask if anybody knows the usual causes of the clutch going in a BF1 and pephaps a list of cars that require me to let off to shift.

thanks guys much appreciated...
#2 - Riel
You don't have to lift.

Clutch burns when taking very slow turns with BF1. Autoclutch will pop in, I had this a lot too, just drive a bit faster

Watch the blue clutch-bar, it should not come up.

PS Change the topic title so we all know what the post is about
#3 - G!NhO
In BF1 it only burns when you stop and pull off all the time.
I have no idea about BF1 but generally it's ok to flatshift (don't lift when shifting) in short public races but you can't flatshift all through the race with most cars in most slightly longer league races.
And you have to lift with FBM and MRT.
Thanks guys
Quote from zeugnimod :I have no idea about BF1 but generally it's ok to flatshift (don't lift when shifting) in short public races but you can't flatshift all through the race with most cars in most slightly longer league races.
And you have to lift with FBM and MRT.

The BF1 has a not deactivateable auto-clutch wich makes it not really senseful to not flatshift...just dont pull off too often...
#7 - J@tko
Yah the BF1 has computer-clutch.
My mind cannot comprehend how you can have a burnt clucth with the Bf1? The only time you use it is on take-off. So unless you are going on a special autocross track with impossible corners, or doing hairpins with 7th gear it doesn't happen.
#9 - Riel
I think indeed he takes corners in too low gearring.

hi guys [clutch question]
(9 posts, started )