I've never been in a V8 in real life but I know what you mean about having to press the gas in LFS. It does seem like the throttle is a bit non-linear and requires at least like 50% throttle to get any forward movement. Because of this there's less room for normal acceleration vs kicking down in my shifter which could explain why it shifts so much.
There's a trick to disable the "light acceleration" kickdown and still have the one that happens when flooring it. Go in the config ini and find FlooredGearSensitivityLow=50 and replace the number with some text like N/A. It should no longer downshift when you're just trying to accelerate some.

I've been working on new versions "behind the scenes" with GuLLiT, mainly sharing ideas and testing. The new version features dynamic multiple kickdown (thanks to GuLLiT for the idea), where it shifts down a number of gears at once depending on gear and RPM. No longer do you have to wait for it to kickdown one-by-one through 4 gears to finally start moving.

How would you play LFS if it's the active window?