The online racing simulator
If something from LFS updating breaks this, I don't know how to fix it, sorry. I would need help from someone with coding (Delphi, I think?) knowledge to fix it. I used someone else's example (project1.exe) and did simple editing so my shifter program can read the text from it. I will try my shifter again with the latest test patch (Z22) and check how it's working.

The intended behavior is to shift when the shift light comes on, which currently seems to be at or near the redline anyway. I think one of the test patch changes was disabling shift light for road cars (which are unfortunately the best cars to use this shifter with). If anyone having problems with it shifting while floored and redlined, is it one of those cars that don't have shift light anymore? (also you might need shift light on in LFS options)

edit: I just tried it, it's not working at shift light I guess because of an outgauge (or insim? they confuse me) change in recent test patches. The "shift" box no longer lights up in the project1.exe even if the car has a working shift light, sooo I'm going to need help with changing the source and compiling it, in order to fix it. I don't know how many of you use this (I haven't noticed anyone on cruise servers using it), but the best I can do for now is say sorry to anyone who does and hope someone will volunteer to fix coding that is gibberish to me.

So if anyone can help, I will give you the source code I used for "project1.exe" and hope you can fix the shift light part of it not working.
Iv'e found a way around the lack of shift light problem, for now anyways.

The program has 3 throttle position reading which corospond to RPM shift points, which depending on how hard your pressing the throttle makes it change at a later shift point (sorry for bad explanation... im tired).
Thier origionally
50% - 2200RPM,
70% - 3800RPM,
90% - 4500RPM Approx.
Anyways, if you make the third point 100% throttle and near the redline (say 7300RPM in a car that redlines at 7500RPM) then it works when you floor it

Try it and see, cause it works for me
Nice find Craig010! That workaround will take away a little bit of the "dynamics", but spacing the RPM shifting points out a little more might help compensate for that. If I ever incorporate per-car configurations, I will see if I can add a fourth shifting point designed for around redline (instead of using shifting light). Currently it's not possible for my shifter to read the car name from project1.exe window - the window's source would need to be edited again. I am looking to make it possible and fix the shift light problem soon!

update: yea, this whole Delphi and coding thing is way beyond me, I can't figure out how to get it to read the new DL_SHIFT. I spent at least an hour trial and erroring, mostly resulting in frustration. Until someone better comes along, I definitely can't fix the shift light. I might contact the author of the project1 source and see if they can fix it, and then I can edit it to work with my shifter again. If this happens, I have some new extra features in mind that CarSoundRemixer (CSR) brought, that I will probably put in.
Hope it gets sorted soon anyways! ... as you say, the insertion of a fourth shift point for the redline would be a good idea.
It may make it slightly more realistic to put a 5th shift point in too, so 1-4 thought the rev range then the 5th for the redline? Might make it a bit smoother? Don't know if it would work but its an idea
LFS shifter v5.5 is released! See first post for download link and changes/details.

(LFS forum must not have a Autohotkey-friendly virus scanner, it wouldn't let me attach it.)
I hate when they just have the cars in games to shift gears at the same time as you would in a manual car.
is it possible to make the key to swap shift maps something other than scroll lock?
my keyboard is for some reason lacking a scroll lock key...
they put one of those "function" keys where it should be
Quote from Zebediah_S2 :is it possible to make the key to swap shift maps something other than scroll lock?
my keyboard is for some reason lacking a scroll lock key...
they put one of those "function" keys where it should be

It sounds like you're using an old version, make sure you have latest from first post (v5.5 right now). Older versions used scroll lock if I remember, but I've changed it so you can configure it to any key or wheel/joystick button.
Version 5.6 is released! Check first post for download link.

Changes since 5.5:
- Rev Limiter
- CHANGE: shift+p and shift+s now pauses the shifter
- FIX: it sometimes got the wrong car's values when changing cars with other cars on track

The Rev Limiter acts like the one in Gran Turismo 1-4 (not sure on anything newer, never played). It activates in gears N, R, and 4+ (MaxGears) by default.

NOTE: Now that the pit shortcut pauses the shifter, you must unpause it yourself OR press enter or numpadenter to exit garage. I did this because LFS seems to spectate other cars on track while you're in pits, so it made the shifter think that's you and it goes crazy.
is there any way to make it so you dont have to change any of your settings? like i have a g25, so it is almost always in H-gate with clutch, and all of that fun stuff....i understand if i have to change a few keys around, but all of my settings is a bit much

that is the reason i dont use it
Quote from tigerboyz :
Read the readme.txt for instructions and tips.

where is this readme? there isnt one in the zip
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :where is this readme? there isnt one in the zip

Oops (again)! There, I reuploaded and updated download link to have the readme. There's so many things I have to update when releasing that it's easy to forget one of them.

Quote from logitekg25 :is there any way to make it so you dont have to change any of your settings? like i have a g25, so it is almost always in H-gate with clutch, and all of that fun stuff....i understand if i have to change a few keys around, but all of my settings is a bit much

that is the reason i dont use it

The only things you really need to do is turn autoclutch on, and gear shift mode to sequential. The other keyboard stuff in the instructions should already be LFS default. I'm pretty sure that's separate from wheel/controller configuration; you don't need to sacrifice your current wheel settings.
It doesn't really work for me... I start LFS, the ATS, all the options are ok, I put it into 1st and... it jumps to 2nd, then to 1st, then to 2nd, then to 1st etc.
What can I do?
it does the same thing for me. it's very annoying, and it didnt do it in the previous versions. so i'll also ask is there any way 'round this?
I have the same problem..
il just wait for this to clear up :hide:
Quote from Killer Beast :Hi

I've tried it on a cruise server and it works REALLY well although it's a bit unrealistic . In a real auto car when you touch the gas pedal it revs but doesn't move much (unless you've got like a V8 or something ). In first gear in RL say you rev to 2000RPM you're going like 10MPH. Then you keep the revs there and it slowly goes quicker until the revs build up and it changes gear. I'm not sure that happens in all auto cars but...... Anyway, nice program. It must've been hard to program it so 10/10 from me Could need a bit of tweaking here and there but its AMAZING altogether. Nice program

Sorry if i haven't explained the RL auto gearbox very well :thumbsdow:

That's because a real A/T car has a torque converter.

In the game, it would have to slip the clutch to do this.... wouldn't last too long.
Think ill just stick with manual. lol
I've the same problem. I think it's a bug of the new versions...
whoever said when you slip the lutch it doesnt last long, i do it all the time in lfs
Quote from freddyalek90 :It doesn't really work for me... I start LFS, the ATS, all the options are ok, I put it into 1st and... it jumps to 2nd, then to 1st, then to 2nd, then to 1st etc.
What can I do?

For everyone having this problem:

Sorry, it sounds like something I might have bugged, but I don't know what it is because it's not happening to me. What version, 5.6? Could you go into the debug GUI and tell me if it says anything like "shiftup2" or similar while it does it? It should say it at the very bottom for a small time during the shifts. Also this is happening while sitting still and shifting into 1st? Does it happen from neutral? Does it still happen once you get going a decent speed?

Also if you haven't deleted/overwritten the config folder from older versions, please do that and let me know if it still happens. I included a config folder, it's recommended to use that one and then configure it how you like based on that.
Quote from tigerboyz :For everyone having this problem:

Sorry, it sounds like something I might have bugged, but I don't know what it is because it's not happening to me. What version, 5.6? Could you go into the debug GUI and tell me if it says anything like "shiftup2" or similar while it does it? It should say it at the very bottom for a small time during the shifts. Also this is happening while sitting still and shifting into 1st? Does it happen from neutral? Does it still happen once you get going a decent speed?

Also if you haven't deleted/overwritten the config folder from older versions, please do that and let me know if it still happens. I included a config folder, it's recommended to use that one and then configure it how you like based on that.

Version: 5.6, fresh install.
LFS: Z25
Setup of the XRG: "AT", the one you posted.
When it happens:
*Still (N selected) - Stays in N
*Still (R selected) - Stays in R
*Still (1st selected) - 1st, 2nd, 1st, 2nd...
*Moving with accelerator < 20% (1st selected) - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th while going at almost the same speed.
*Moving with accelerator 20% < x < 60% (1st selected) - the car goes nuts (1st, 3rd, 4th, 2nd, 1st randomly).
*Moving with accelerator fully opened (1st selected) - the car goes like it's in Automatic Mode in LFS.
*Going backwards - OK
Debug: When it changes into 2nd, it says "Mode: shiftup2" than "Mode: shiftdown1" and it changes into 1st.

I upload an .spr so I hope you'll understand better...
I try the all the situations, hope this helps...

Thanks in advance, bye!
Attached files
Test_AU1_XRG.spr - 22.7 KB - 625 views
Thank you for the detailed bug report! I watched the replay and put my debug up while you drove in the replay, it never said the shiftup2 for trying putting in 2nd. I also test drove on your replay and I had no problems, this is very weird!

Can you go into the configuration GUI (right click icon, configuration) and see if it matches the screenshot I attached? If anything is different, please tell me. If it's the same as mine... then I'm stumped. I'm going to upload the latest version here as a test (only the LFSshifter exe, so keep your old one), could you test if this version still does it? It has a new thing in the debug called "offset", and it should not ever go under 0 or over 3000. It goes up with throttle and tells it how many more RPM to wait until shifting, to make shifting points seem more dynamic. It's a new feature since 5.5, I don't know if this is the cause.

Actually I'm going to upload 2, one WITH the offset, one WITHOUT. I'm going to put them both in a zip; they should be extracted to the folder you already have. Please check whether the problem happens in both of them.

TEST VERSION LINK: [removed], see first post for latest version

(LFS forum attachment thing still won't accept my Autohotkey exe files, and says they're either invalid or didn't pass the virus test)
Attached images
Quote from tigerboyz :Thank you for the detailed bug report! I watched the replay and put my debug up while you drove in the replay, it never said the shiftup2 for trying putting in 2nd. I also test drove on your replay and I had no problems, this is very weird!

Can you go into the configuration GUI (right click icon, configuration) and see if it matches the screenshot I attached? If anything is different, please tell me. If it's the same as mine... then I'm stumped. I'm going to upload the latest version here as a test (only the LFSshifter exe, so keep your old one), could you test if this version still does it? It has a new thing in the debug called "offset", and it should not ever go under 0 or over 3000. It goes up with throttle and tells it how many more RPM to wait until shifting, to make shifting points seem more dynamic. It's a new feature since 5.5, I don't know if this is the cause.

Actually I'm going to upload 2, one WITH the offset, one WITHOUT. I'm going to put them both in a zip; they should be extracted to the folder you already have. Please check whether the problem happens in both of them.


(LFS forum attachment thing still won't accept my Autohotkey exe files, and says they're either invalid or didn't pass the virus test)

Yep, the configuration GUI matches exactly yours...
Looking at the offset in "LFSShifter V5.6 WITH", it stays at "0,00000000" but all is as usual, in the "[...] WITHOUT" it stay at "0" but... IT WORKS!