The online racing simulator
heres a new one - thanks to whoever posted the link to that page where i found this pic, it rocks!

EDIT - Added original pic too
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Backgrounds (6).jpg
ooo... just found a person who has more icons on his desktop than me! It's a nice pic but all those icons ruin it!
Quote from Madman_CZ :ooo... just found a person who has more icons on his desktop than me! It's a nice pic but all those icons ruin it!

hey all line up though - and they all fit the new background perfectly (when i changed it everything lined up with the moon fading etc so i couldn't be bothered to move it!)

EDIT - Added my folder full of images like that in a split rar file
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Backgrounds.part1.rar - 1.9 MB - 210 views
Backgrounds.part2.rar - 1.9 MB - 233 views
Backgrounds.part3.rar - 1.7 MB - 235 views
hmm just noticed your little application in the bottom right corner, is that msn showing who is online and offline on your desktop? Thats quite neat.

Also quite consufed why you have all three 3d marks installed..
(Jakg) DELETED by Jakg
Quote from Madman_CZ :Also quite consufed why you have all three 3d marks installed..

Because most hardware reviews still use all three (and in some cases four, not as often, but some still use 01) as a point of referance.
Lino, thank you *very* much
Just a little one I made myself!
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Quote from Highsider9 :Mine...

Cool pic

BTW: Wich player is that? I like the way it fades with the background. I've also seen a calendar that merges with the background. Anyone knows wich program is it?

Photo that I took.
My quite dull desktop,
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Quote from Eldanor :Cool pic

BTW: Wich player is that? I like the way it fades with the background. I've also seen a calendar that merges with the background. Anyone knows wich program is it?


Or, download this: , you download the "widgets" from yahoo, it has a link on the website. it has lots of add-ons, like calanders, live weather, newsfeeds, and other useful widgets like, autoshutdown, shuts down your comp after a set amount of time.... and lots of other things
I just restored, so i havent got much on my comp..
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Quote from Lino :

What program do you use to get that info at the bottom?
my Current desktop, featuring my second favourite band, Muse.

also featuring a fair few icons :P
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Quote from mr_x :my Current desktop, featuring my second favourite band, Muse.

also featuring a fair few icons :P

Slightly off-topic, but although 3 months ago I still damn that monsoon* for preventing me from seeing them on the Hurricane** festival..
Fortunately*** I'll see them in November though..

* we're not talking about those "heavy rain"-monsoons here.. it was more the "god flushed all his toilets" type of monsoon that flooded the whole area with about 20cm of water within a few minutes..
** the name DOES fit after all
*** Seeing your desktop I have to add I don't like the current album too much.. but they can't fill 2 hours with only that anyway
Quote from Leifde :What program do you use to get that info at the bottom?

Yahoo Widgets. The widget is called informer.
been a long time...
new one.
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desktop september 06 #1.jpg
My desktop at this moment:

Now that I look at it, it's insane..! I have space left for only a few more files before it's stuffed!
The reason it got so cluttered is because it is a reflection of events happening in my life that weren't planned nor welcome.. when your life is a mess, you tend to get messy with stuff, including your desktop.
But I'm rebuilding my life at this moment and I'm getting closer and closer. When I'm done, I'll fill the trashbin with most of those icons and start with a clean desktop.

Hahaha, it's almost a piece of art...
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At the moment, but of the Live For Speed.
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Open Season EllioT.JPG
Quote from Biohazard :been a long time...
new one.

Nice desktop, but how do you get music that's currently playing and your online contacts like that?

Post your desktop!
(5025 posts, started )