Simple yes, nice no.

i despise the sidebar, so its gone. Simple vista.

Don't like the blur, spoils it a bit imo. Completely sharp desktop images ftw, it's nice though.
Very nice, and it looks like a road not long away from where I live ^^
*Legal disclaimer - the ladies are dressed, but you can't see that cause it's all painted*
Yea, really!
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4 screens...?
Quote from The General Lee :4 screens...?

If you mean 4 monitors then - no. Just that 4 desktops help get around all the open windows and I can still have all shortcuts on the desktop without it being cluttered too much (It's just like in Linux/Unix, you know)
(keyword: "Dexpot 1.4" in case anyone's interested)
My new desktop, simple as always, I love simple desktops. I wanted to try pink
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W00t :O
Thats a damn nice background picture. Just a shame with all the writing on.
Something you painted yourselfe?
I like it clean and simple.
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Unbenannt - 1.jpg
Quote from NitroNitrous :My new desktop, simple as always, I love simple desktops. I wanted to try pink

Where did u find that wallpaper, please post a link
Quote from DeKo :i despise the sidebar, so its gone. Simple vista.

L0lz0r, i've got exactly the same wallpaper.
Quote from Test Driver :

what distro is that?
and i see u also have that crappy Pidgin...i want gaim back (but cant manage to do so! lol).
New desktop:

Can just about manage LFS under Crossover.
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Picture 1.jpg
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Post your desktop!
(5025 posts, started )