Nice Parking
Quote from Biohazard :well, just because of the background.

rest is the same known and boring stuff.

sweet music taste

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Here we go:

(DualView monitor... 22" LG LCD on the left, and 15" Proview CRT on the right... as there's nothing to show on the right monitor (besides the same wallpaper), I decided to put the browser window there )

PS: Opera has no scrollbar because I deactivated it as I do everything using mouse movements ('shortcuts') and I didn't even notice the scrollbar
PS²: Its funny that if I open a server and join my own server (using two open LFS), I can put a LFS on each monitor, race and watch myself racing at the same time
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Need to tidy icons....
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Loch Tummel.JPG
Here is mine... I actually moved the taskbar up to the top just to try... Now I love it! Less mouse movement too actually.. (I tested)
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Nice render tho.
I made the render.. :P
Here's mine, for the moment.
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I'm bored with my current default Vista theme. Soo... Could any of you guys upload a pic of your vista desktop? (not the boring default theme)
My ubar desktopingtons...
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Quote from Töki (HUN) :I'm bored with my current default Vista theme. Soo... Could any of you guys upload a pic of your vista desktop? (not the boring default theme)

Check this one - Fuji

Hope you like it...
Recently reinstalled windows xp. So the desktop is pretty clean :P

Im running windows xp sp3 but ive skinned it to look like windows vista.
The first picture shows my desktop.
The second shows my desktop again, but with BUBBLESS from my mouse.
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Mum loves it when she play Freecell on my computer.

Mine is messy as always..
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'hot chick' in Google.
Quote from chanoman315 :no name then? ... if we get the name we can search it on

Heres Mine, nice and clean. Background by me.
Nice background.
Reminds me of Far Cry for some reason.
one from me simple and ease
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Quote from Darkone55 :Render of the skin we used for the last 24 hour race in MOE.

Nice Spiderman theme (right?) Is there a public version of it available? (would love to try that bad boy)

Post your desktop!
(5025 posts, started )