The online racing simulator
RaceSIM to Run IMA's Open Wheel Trophy
With immediate effect, RaceSIM has taken control of the IMA's Open Wheel Trophy. This change has come in an effort to save the Open Wheel Trophy and inject new life into the series.

All current entrants of the series remain in the series if they wish to continue. Several Operational changes will be made before the next scheduled event, which will be held as Scheduled on Friday 17th April 2009, however the start time may be changed as a result of a poll which is currently running for series drivers.

All drivers will be informed in due course as to the changes which will effect the Open Wheel Trophy.

The planned "Festival of Aston" has been dropped from season one, and at the end of the series, an option will be provided for a second series of the Open Wheel Trophy.

Drivers of the series should allow themselves to be redirected to the Open Wheel Trophy board at the RaceSIM Forums. Particularly the Driver Poll's section, which is provided for you the driver to give us feedback, to see where to take the Open Wheel Trophy.

If we all pull together, we can make the final two rounds of the Open Wheel Trophy as good as it gets.

Best regards,

For more information regarding this change, please contact Kev Higgins at the RaceSIM forums or PM either 'mkinnov8', 'mr_b', or 'pacesetter'.