The online racing simulator
A Couple of Picture for Graphic test..
(4 posts, started )
#1 - Buzzn
A Couple of Picture for Graphic test..
This picturer is taken in an early test stage of making lfs bether by using different lfs addons\edits:

i have lynce megapack and (cant remeber name car texture packs)

LFS is running on max Graphic (atleast what i know of :P) and max resolution for my monitor: 1680x1200

C&C are Welcome

And if anybody know of a good texture to add to lfs so screem out
Attached images
Graphic test.jpg
Graphic test 2.jpg
Graphic test 4.jpg
Graphic test 5.jpg
I don't see what's so special on your LFS?These aren't REALLY LARGE screenshots too
#3 - Buzzn
Quote from CobraDrifter :I don't see what's so special on your LFS?These aren't REALLY LARGE screenshots too

i saw that afterwords :P

I know my lfs aint spesial... Thats wy i posted these images because i want to know what i can do to make it look even bether

edit: updated pictures..
bloom dont hit me...

A Couple of Picture for Graphic test..
(4 posts, started )