The online racing simulator
#1 - Bean0
Series Rules
UF Racers Club , Summer Slam , Rules and Regulations , Season 1
Version 1.1 (Revised 17/05/2009)

Rules Index

1 League Application
2 Racing Rules
3 Car Format
4 Race Format
5 Championship Format
6 Protesting & Penalties
7 Miscellaneous

It is IMPORTANT to note that this rules page is a live document. The rules are subject to change at the organisers discretion.

Any changes in these rules will be fully documented.

The rules you see here will always be the latest version.

League Applications

1.0 A driver wishing to enter this league must have had a successful application to race with us. Depending upon the number of entries received, applying does not guarantee you a place in this league.

At present the UFRC Summer Slam will be a single division championship with a maximum of 32 drivers signed up for the entire season.

If we receive and accept more than 32 applications then the league admin may introduce a pre-qualifying system. (see pre-qualifying post in section 4.0 for more details)

1.1 The application to join the league must be made on the LFS forum under UF Racers Club, Summer Slam, Sign-up Post. We also ask that you sign up to the dedicated Concept Racing forum.

Your application must include:
Real Name
LFS account Name and if you wish the Team you want to represent (see below for more information)

1.2 You must also submit a hotlap of you driving the UF Baby-R (UFR with 45% restriction) at the track SO6 (South City Chicane).

This does not need to be a WR lap, but by taking your time to perform this task means that you are confirming your interest in the league.

1.3 Drivers who have successful applications will be automatically entered into the Drivers Championships. To be entered into the Team Championship you must be part of a two-driver line-up. You are free to choose your team-mate but both drivers must be made from drivers whom applications have been approved. The two drivers do not have to be members of a real LFS team. You can enter as part of a real LFS team or a team made specifically for this league.

To be part of a Team, please register your Team name and driver line-up in your application post, or edit it once the team has been formed.

1.4 If more than one driver pairing from the same LFS team enters the championship, we ask that your Team names are significantly different from one another. All team names will have to be approved.

1.5 Drivers Race Names. Your official Drivers Race Name must be displayed at all times during pre-qualifying, qualifying and race sessions.

Your Official 'Drivers Race Name' will follow the standard format example below:


Where XX is your assigned 2-digit race number
Where Y is replaced with the initial of your first name
Where ZZZZZZZ is replaced by your Surname/Family name

The colour of all text in the names and numbers will be white.

So a correct example from last season would be:

01 M.Pesonen

If you do not wish to use your real name then please speak directly with a league Admin who will be able to advise and issue you with a correct format name.

If you are advised to change your name format, please follow the direction of the Admin.

If you do not accept and follow the direction of the Admin regarding naming protocol then your application and authorisation to race and complete in this league may become revoked.

1.6 Race numbers will be issued by the series Admin. All cars must carry the official UFRC Summer Slam Number Board. Your car must carry this number boards on the left and right sides of the car. The Race numbers and logos will be made available.

Racing Rules

Drivers must own their own legal LFS S2 license.

Drivers must always follow any rules or actions that are advised by a Race or League Admin.

2.2 No in-game chatting is allowed during pre-qualifying/qualifying/races.

You are only allowed to chat once the qualifying or race is complete.

The race is only complete once ALL drivers have finished and the Admin' have published an RCM QUALIFYING COMPLETE message

The race is only complete once ALL drivers have finished and the Admin' have published an RCM RACE COMPLETE message.

2.3 Any driver chatting in qualifying and or the race will be given a penalty of - 1 championship point that will be taken off from any points scored during that race.

There is no car reset for this league. If you have to retire your car from a race you will not be allowed to rejoin the same race.

If you retire from Race 1 of an event - you will be allowed to rejoin the Race 2 event and will start at the back of the grid.

You are also not allowed to take over any other car in the field during a pre-qualifying/qualifying or race session.

2.5 Always make sure you drive safe and clean, treat others, as you would expect to be treated yourself. In short be Fair and treat others as you wish them to treat you.

Rights of Way. Drivers on the racetrack will always carry the right of way over all other drivers. Other drivers are classified as driver who are re-joining from the pits or from an off track excursion.

Overtaking rights. Drivers are allowed to change their line once to defend or block an overtaking manouvre for position. Once your line has been changed you can only change your line again to return to the racing line for the entry to the next corner.

A driver can not block a fellow driver who has his car level or in front of the driver's front door. You must allow room for each driver to make the corner entry.

2.8 If you cause an incident between yourself and one or more other drivers in which you gained a position you will be penalized if you do not give this position back.

The only way to avoid this penalty is by giving your position back to the other party within 1 lap of the incident when a safe opportunity arises.
This may include giving up several positions if the other racer has lost more than one position as a result of the incident (excluding pit stops)

2.9 If the YELLOW Flag Message is shown then NO overtaking is allowed. If any overtaking occurs under yellows the rules stated above in 2.8 will prevail and you could become subject to a penalty.

If a BLUE Flag is shown please respect it. The Blue flag is interpreted as a faster car that is one or more laps ahead is approaching and they have the right of way.

It is not necessary to immediately give up your position on the racing line; however you must give ample opportunity for them to pass you safely.

Blue flags are valid in for race sessions and the first sector of any qualifying session (i.e. the first sector after you leave the pits)

When using the pit lane in both qualification and race sessions you must exit safely. Again, any drivers on the course must take care if they intend to cut the yellow lines during a race. Any incidences will be judged on their own merits.

Car Format

3.0 The cars used in this championship are the UF1000, the UFR, and the restricted UFR named the UF Baby-R. The restriction is 45%. An In-sim program will help control this.

If anyone is found using a non-45% restricted UF Baby-R, they will be asked to change. If this has happened in a qualifying or race session you will lose all times made with this incorrect set. It is up to you to ensure that all set-ups used are using the 45% restriction.

3.1 Cars must use a skin that is of your own design, please do not use a stolen skin. We also ask that you do not use one of the games default ones.
The skin you race in must be uploaded to LFS world, we also require a high resolution version of your skin to be available to all other racers.

The skin type MUST NOT contain any un-appropriate logos or images. If the skin is deemed to be un-fit for racing you will change it immediately upon request of the admins.

3.3 Team mates must use matching skins with individual driver markings and race numbers. Skins should be the same for all 3 varieties of car used in the series.

As footage from the league will be used in promotional material, if you choose to have text in your number/license plate - it can only be your race number or the word UFRC

3.5a Driving Aids – The use of Brake Help and Automatic Gearbox are not permitted.

Driving Aids – The use of Automatic Clutch is REQUIRED. This is to prevent use of a known exploit.

Race Format

4.0 If we receive and approve more than 32 applications for the league then a pre-qualifying system will be run on a separate, dedicated server with a timing system.

The pre-qualifying server will be open for 10 days between race meetings and the track will be set for the next race event. During this time all approved league drivers will be expected to attend this server and set a qualifying time. The results of the pre-qualifying will be used to set the grid for the first race of the event.

Server details will be provided to all confirmed drivers.

The drivers are then free to perform some qualifying laps.

4.1 There is no limit to the number of laps that any driver can be performed during this time.

At the end of the 10 days the times will be published and the fastest 32 drivers will be invited to attend that week's race.

All drivers who did not make the top 32 will not be racing in the next round, unless we have no-shows.
If we have any no shows then the non-qualifiers will be invited in the order they finished pre-qualifying (i.e. the 33rd qualify will be offered the race seat first etc)

4.3 A round will consist of one 15-minute free practice session and two race sessions (1 x sprint and 1 x feature race) at every round unless otherwise noted in the series calendar.

The tracks used in all rounds will be fully detailed in the separate series calendar.

All Race times and Dates will also be fully detailed in the separate series calendar.

Please note any changes in the schedule will be posted on the Forums.

On the day of the race the designated race server will be available for free practice. The server will be password protected and this password will be issued for all competitors and non-qualifiers in good time prior to the race. Non-qualifiers may attend and occupy a spectator's spot.

The server to be used in this championship will be recorded separately in the Drivers Briefing Section of the Forum.

4.6 Free Practice will commence at the stated time, and will consist of a single 15-minute session.

4.6a Any drivers not present on the server by the end of Free Practice will have their places offered to non-qualifiers.

4.7 At the end of the Free Practice session there will be a short break.

4.8 At the admins discretion, there may be 1 "Lag-start", which will last approx 1 minute to ensure all competitors are 'lag-free' and present. This is still considered part of the racing sessions so please still drive respectfully during this time and observe the 'no chatting policy'

4.9 The specific number of laps for each sprint and feature race will vary according to the event. The number will be defined per race per round in the separate Race & Dates post.

4.10 After the first race there will be a short break.

4.11 The second race starting grid will be based on results from the first race. If the driver was not classified because of a DNF or DNS he will start at the back of the grid. All non-classified drivers will receive the grid positions by the race marshal after the classified starters have been announced. DNF take priority over DNS. All grid positions are at the discretion of the race marshals/admin.

4.12 There are no mandatory pit stops in any of the races with the exception of the end of season endurance race where one pit stop will be mandatory and will be explained fully in the future.

4.13 Lag can seriously affect online racing experiences therefore please ensure that all un-necessary programs (like msn etc) are closed prior to an online race. If there is lag, then we have to accept this is a part of racing.

4.14 Only in the event of all server admin suffering a disconnect will the race event be cancelled based on lag.

4.15 There will be no restarts under any conditions with the exception of all Race admin suffering a disconnection. So be careful in the opening laps.

Championship Format

Drivers score points by being classified in at least 1 race.

5.1 To be classified you need to finish under your own power and complete your lap after the race winner has completed the race. Being pushed across the line because of an empty fuel tank may result in a DSQ.

5.2 To enter the team championship you must register a team consisting of 2 drivers. If 1 driver can't make it, then the team can NOT make use of any substitute drivers. A team will last for the duration of the season.

5.3 A Full run down of available points can be seen on the website..

5.4 For the team championship the amount of points the 2-team drivers collect per race event will be added together.

5.5 In both Drivers and Team championship's your lowest scoring event will automatically be deducted from your championship total. This will allow for drivers who are unable to attend 1 event (or fail to qualify) to still be in with a realistic chance for a good championship result. Your event total is the total number of points you achieve in any one week race meeting (a total of both the sprint and feature race results or one of the endurance races) Any fastest laps bonuses earned from a dropped event result will also be lost.

5.6 If after the last round the point amounts of driver(s)/team(s) are the same, we will include the dropped events scores for ties ONLY. If there still is a tie then driver/team that was classified higher in the previous league rounds will be given a higher position then the other driver(s)/team(s).

The driver with the most points at the end of the season (after dropped results) will be confirmed as the Drivers League Champion.

5.8 The team with the most points at the end of the season (after dropped results) will be confirmed as the Team Constructors Champions.

5.9 There will be no Privateers Cup.

Protesting & Penalties

6.0 You must protest within 24 hours after the race ended of any incidents which you were personally involved in.

6.1 To log a protest you must post in the forum and provide the following information:

Car numbers involved,
Lap number/ Time of incident
Your point of view/description of the accident.
The admin will review this incident and resolve it (including any issuing of penalties) prior to the next round.
You can only protest about incidents that you are directly involved with.

Your post must be posted in the Forums in the relevant thread within the Drivers Briefing subforum.

6.2 Keep your protests to major incidents only. Rubbing is part of racing. Bump Drafting is not.
If this system is flooded with needless 'racing incidents' then any 'serial flooder' maybe subject to a penalty themselves.

6.3 Any valid complaints where people have not deemed to have driven fair and in compliance with the rules will be subject to a rules penalty from the Race Admins.

The results of any incidences including any issues penalites will be reported in the Drivers Briefing subforum.

6.4 All race positions and points will only be published after the conclusion of any racing protests and penalties. The decision of the race marshal and admin team will be final.


7.0 All replays of this series will or maybe used in the future to make videos to promote the UF Racers Club, forthcoming league events or the Concept Racing team.

Therefore by signing up for this league you will be giving your permission to any member of UFRC or CR to use any of the online footage or skins for any future promotional material. If you do not agree to this then please do not enter this league.
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#2 - Bean0
Rules Updated 17/05/2009

Summary of changes:

Pre-qualifying now decides grid for 1st race of event.
15 minute free practice replaces qualifying session on night of event.
This thread is closed