well let's see. there were 3 players. I was player C

, my mate who left was player B, and the server was host A. the biggest problem that we have no replays because B left the game, and A and C's LFS halted at that time. and that's why i thought it wasn't caused by a hardware error. the miminum sleep set at all the players to 1 ms.
my config: Gigabyte GA-7NF-RZ mainboard, AMD AthlonXP 1800+ T-Bred B, 512MB DDR400 Geil Value ram, GeCube radeon 9550 eXtreme,80GB Maxtor Hdd, 500W QTec BigFan PSU.
server's config: Asus A7N8X-X mainboard, AMD AthlonXP 2200+ T-Bred B, 1024MB Samsung ram, Gigabyte Radeon 9600Pro, 80GB Maxtor Hdd, 420W Coolink PSU.
so the situation was A created a server ingame so he can join the race. B and C arrived, A and C added one AI drivers, B added two of them. we were playing on Kyoto Oval (watching AIs killing each other

) then B had to leave and he did it. meanwhile A's and C's LFS halted.