You can't have a thread comparing games consoles without argument. Pure fact..
Each has their own pluses and minuses and rarely no-one will have all 3 and be non-biased towards any one of them, so in actual fact they're all as good as each other..
Judging which console is "the best" by the most objective criteria imaginable may at first look like a difficult task. However, if one takes into consideration that only one console is going to have a driving game with a Nordschleife of acceptable standard the solution should be more than obvious.
(Right now all three consoles suck equally. Once GT5 is released there'll only be one console anyone needs.)
P.S.: Back then I only got LFS as a fill-in while I waited for a proper game with the Nordschleife.
(*Sigh* I have 800€ on my account especially reserved for a PS3 + GT5 + new TV and no one except Sony wanted to claim that money in the last 3 years.)
Xbox is good for the online play, PS3 is good because it lets you use G25, thats about it. I personally havent yet found a game that makes me think wow the ps3 is better than the 360. They both have their good and they both have their bad points.
Nintendo named the Wii the Wii because thats what you do after laughing so hard at how bad it is.
Owning a Wii and having friends with Xbox360s and PS3s, the Wii wins hands down if you look at the time it's played on. Allthough IT#s rather a console on which you play in Multiplayer than gaming alone.
Looking at USPs (marketing shpeel I know) the Wii is probably the winner with it's remote and weird games. Most of the console stuff can be easily replicated better on a PC. I am sure the Wii's selling points also can be, but to a less succesful degree.
The best console is the console that sells the most at the end of the day. Its really the only accurate measurement tool we have. The Wii is winning by quite a margin. However if we applied this rule to simulators GT5 would win hey ho maybe it is the best sim
best console ever made was the pc... it is both a toy and tool.... and to a certin degree a weapon .... Drop it from a high and you might kill someone...
This is a console discussion, thanks for dropping by, but your post was totally useless.
I actually like my elite 360. I don't use it for Live, I have plenty of fun on it playing them exclusive games + also some games that I could get on the PC. The thing is though, 360 is way more powerful than my current pc. That might also be one of the reasons
This is a console discussion, thanks for dropping by, but your post was totally useless.
I actually like my elite 360. I don't use it for Live, I have plenty of fun on it playing them exclusive games + also some games that I could get on the PC. The thing is though, 360 is way more powerful than my current pc. That might also be one of the reasons
The thread is about "my opinion" that what is the best. For me, i dont like any consoles but i dont mind if anyone gives me one for free. I dont like consoles just because they have that controller. Too hard to play with it - for me.
I dont like consoles just because they have that controller. Too hard to play with it - for me.
Prejudice prejudice, you have no idea.. My will for gaming has returned big time since i bought PS3. It's so convenient to just put a disk, grab a gamepad and play. And that feeling that everyone play the "same version" is kinda rewardingly strange.. I want to play Bioshock cause i never did, and i CAN'T be bothered to play it on the PC, i think my PC would handle it on medium details.. but i just can't go through the (very possible) hassle of troubleshooting, cleaning my old drivers, finding new ones, etc, etc.. and i kinda really like to play games with gamepad now. I play Killzone 2 like every day and enjoying every second, while i thought i could never shoot with the pad...