The online racing simulator
New Stats Graph
(21 posts, started )
New Stats Graph
Update Y-Graph v2.0:

Original template and New graph making tool.

Preview here

YGraph v2.0 Download
New my template Download
All in one Download (Y-Graph, YGraph autorun ver. LFSStatsv2.00, Original template)

- Pitstop and pitstop with tire change can be displayed.
- Personal best lap can be displayed.
- Fastest lap can be displayed.
- Highest climber can be displayed.
- Lap down finnish driver can be displayed in the dotted line.
- Anti-aliasinged position lines,and good visibility transparency lines.
- Support all LFSStats version, All languages specified in LFSStat.cfg

Change log:
- All languages specified in LFSStat.cfg are supported.
- The default template of all LFSStats version is supported.
- The error message was not displayed even if failing in reading HTML.
- The graph output location was referred to from LFSStat.cfg.
- The output processing has quickened a little.

How to use:
1. Edit LFSStat.cfg.
2. Run LFSStats.exe.

/Manual Generate/

1. YGraph.exe is put on the same folder as your LFSStat.exe.
2. Run LFSStats.exe.
3. Run Y-Graph after LFSStats exported.

YGraph uses 3 files that LFSStats exported.

The graph file is generated in output of race stat "/Graph/***_lbl.png".
(Rewrite old Graph Generated file "***_lbl.png")

-Race time progress Graph.
-Some elements are customizable.
The line thickness,line color,font of driver's name ,Character of item,font size,Size in interlinear space of position in graph,Size in graph at lap intervals....

Three lines were added to your source. Only this method existed because I did not understand C# well.
// Call graph generator
if (generateGraphs)
Console.WriteLine("> Graphs generated <");

//Yama-Graph generate
Thread.Sleep(2 * 1000);
Process p = Process.Start("YGraph.exe");
Console.WriteLine("> Y-Graph generated <");

Attached images
Attached files - 331.5 KB - 1167 views - 139.7 KB - 813 views - 48.2 KB - 881 views
Looks great, I will try it.
Very smart.
It doesn't work for me. It doesn't generate tsv file and graph generator won't work.
Quote from misiek08 :It doesn't work for me. It doesn't generate tsv file and graph generator won't work.

tsv file only? Try the edit "LFSStat.cfg" file.If you are not trying...

# Export stats when game, replay interupted? (STAte changed)
# yes export
# no don't export
# ask ask if export, need to be answered when occur
exportOnSTAte = yes


I've problems get YGraph.exe working.

My LFSStat.exe is located in

The Results are in

The config looks like this:
raceDir = C:\xampp\htdocs\raceresults\race
qualDir = C:\xampp\htdocs\raceresults\qualy
exportOnRaceSTart = yes
exportOnSTAte = yes

I don't know where to put YGraph.exe. I've tried nearly every possible folder. I alway get the "Not found results/exported 3 files"-Error.

Ciao... paXton
Quote from paXton :Hi!

I've problems get YGraph.exe working.

My LFSStat.exe is located in

The Results are in

The config looks like this:
raceDir = C:\xampp\htdocs\raceresults\race
qualDir = C:\xampp\htdocs\raceresults\qualy
exportOnRaceSTart = yes
exportOnSTAte = yes

I don't know where to put YGraph.exe. I've tried nearly every possible folder. I alway get the "Not found results/exported 3 files"-Error.

Ciao... paXton

hi,thank you for the error-reporting.

v1.0 was fixed to always /results folder.
v1.1 looked for the output folder referring to "LFSStat.cfg".
plz download @first post.

Good job!

I look forward to generate statistics for grandstanding.
Hi, thx for your quick reaction.

Now YGraph shows me still an error message, which contain the right path, but no graph is generated.

Sysinternal's process monitor show me, that the right directory was scanned and the first .tsv was parsed.
But after that, the error

- Not found exported 3 files in '<correct path>' forlder.

pop up and YGraph ends.

Edit: Perhaps the error came up, because i don't use your template.
But then please skip these files without an error-popup, because i need to run it over a directory which contains old-template stats too.

Ciao... paXton
Yes, it might be so. Because information in HTML had not been found, you might have gotten the error.

BTW, are you using the German translations of LFSStat? Only the English file support as of now. I will support to the translation of other countries with v1.2. Including my template.

Anyway, I attached v1.15(exe only, plz overwrite.) that skipped the error. If csv and tsv are read, the position line is sure to be displayed.

Attached files - 46.6 KB - 424 views
DOes this only work with LFSStat v2.00or does it work with V1.1 too?

V2.0 does not work on Vista
Quote from vicbel :DOes this only work with LFSStat v2.00or does it work with V1.1 too?

V2.0 does not work on Vista

LFSStats v1.1 works by YGraph v2.0.
Nice Job!

this tool can't coonect
pls help me i want very much this
Quote from Rudy van Buren :you got more probs if you post screens like that with some mod shit on it.

i have not any mods on my computer. This is my friend's computer shot. i just drive there
I've got to say, this is one of the sexiest program graphic image output's I've seen for a racing sim in a very long time.

However, correct me if I'm wrong here, but LFS Stats is GNU GPL, so this also must be GNU GPL. And yet I can't find the source code for _THIS_ exe.
I missed it before, when I was settig up my LFSStats

Very, very nice looking, and it does also generate proper drivers' names, which I can not say about the original graphs engine (propably because of the system language and code page)

any chance that the race time progress graph from ToDo will get done?
Sure that code should do it, would you share your source code with project files?

I could replace the old Graph with your new YGraph and maybe see if it could not be easily modified for other graphs. I think I also already noticed an error in your YGraph, the same that was in LFSStat, it does not handle character encoding correctly and foreign language names are a mess. I don't know how it work with your Japanese but I suppose not at all?

Race time progress graph, will get done when somebody needs it and makes it

I'll check LFSStat thread if there are any requests and needs.

Dygear: yes that's correct I think. I've asked him for the sources, will see if we can get them here. I think it would be useful for others to reuse, modify.

New Stats Graph
(21 posts, started )