The online racing simulator
Another bit of testing - last tonight...

Assuming the code is correct, then $CurrPly["userName"] and $CurrPly["nickName"] just won't work (and I'm testing in
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just as we spoke via PM. Try my lapper.
If the yellowflag is working then must be something wrong with your Lapper/Script.
I will test yours tomorrow.
Quote from Bass-Driver :ey,
just as we spoke via PM. Try my lapper.
If the yellowflag is working then must be something wrong with your Lapper/Script.
I will test yours tomorrow.

Still couldn't get it to work. Also tried your script and mine on my son's pc, and still same issues, including $Currply ["userName"]/$Currply ["nickName"] not working.

Put the yellowflag.lpr file - in attached zip - on my Sin'rs Too Drive It... server, and got the following;

Again, $Currply ["userName"]/$Currply ["nickName"] not working.

And it looks like the $Whois in the FOREACH gives a result as "Array" However, Array and my username don't appear when I try on my pc; only online. Also, on my pc, the !who command gives a blank page in Krayy's CIF module, but online, my name appears.

Also put on the new lfslapper.exe (one for getting live drift scores), which shows as V6.0.1.4 when typing !ver.
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OnConnect test.jpg
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Sometimes $Currply isnt for me either.
instead of $Currplay or whatever you use, i use GetPlayerVar($userName,"yourvar").

It shows you the same value or string as when you use $Currply = Getplayerinfo();
Wasn't the $Currply not something from older versions of Lapper and then abandonned at some point? You might be able to find that in the changelog.
You could do so that the user is ban the user by 999 days when exceeding 200km / h?


Quote from elpopu :You could do so that the user is ban the user by 999 days when exceeding 200km / h?



Sure, you can do a check:

IF (GetCurrentPlayerVar( "InstantSpeed" ) > 200)
(do something)

Quote from Yisc[NL] :
Quote from elpopu :You could do so that the user is ban the user by 999 days when exceeding 200km / h?



Sure, you can do a check:

IF (GetCurrentPlayerVar( "InstantSpeed" ) > 200)
(do something)

did not work Frown
The code I supplied, can't be used in any place and not without filling in some details your self.
You could make a construction using the scheduler within Lapper, to check that piece of code every X seconds, or start it from a particular event, make it go to a sub event, wait a while and then go back to the speed check.
But all of this do need some knowledge about how Lapper should be coded.
I could do this for lapper please

download link please?

Quote from Yisc[NL] :The code I supplied, can't be used in any place and not without filling in some details your self.
You could make a construction using the scheduler within Lapper, to check that piece of code every X seconds, or start it from a particular event, make it go to a sub event, wait a while and then go back to the speed check.
But all of this do need some knowledge about how Lapper should be coded.

please system lfs lapper

to bl1 pleaseee!
Bro make me a system to get there in BL1 say a message? Thank you !
Find the Node number (!node) at the point you want the message to appear, then use that number in a RegisterNodeAction script, with sub-routine to open private message.

There's an example to display speed in the original lfslapper.lpr file. You just want to change the speed to a message. Alternately, look HERE for example on this forum.
Quote from sinanju :Find the Node number (!node) at the point you want the message to appear, then use that number in a RegisterNodeAction script, with sub-routine to open private message.

There's an example to display speed in the original lfslapper.lpr file. You just want to change the speed to a message. Alternately, look HERE for example on this forum.

Node number 151, I tried it but it does not show me the message
Then it is likely you have made a mistake somewhere.

Show the RegisterNodeAction code line, along with the sub-routine code that goes with it.
Quote from sinanju :Then it is likely you have made a mistake somewhere.

Show the RegisterNodeAction code line, along with the sub-routine code that goes with it.

RegisterNodeAction ( "BL1" , 151 , SR_Drag,"" );

Sub SR_Drag()
cmdLFS("/msg ^7Has terminado el drag");

That's the code to use with the node 151
You want the message to appear when any driver (pilot) crosses the node, so 1st line of sub should be;

Sub SR_Drag($userName)
Quote from sinanju :You want the message to appear when any driver (pilot) crosses the node, so 1st line of sub should be;

Sub SR_Drag($userName)

Thanks! Big grin

As is done to show the time in that area?
Quote from elpopu :....As is done to show the time in that area?

Do you mean a split/sector-split time? Actual clock time on the server?

I'm not sure what you want to do.
Quote from sinanju :
Quote from elpopu :....As is done to show the time in that area?

Do you mean a split/sector-split time? Actual clock time on the server?

I'm not sure what you want to do.

The time of vehicle 0 mph to that node

Quiero que muestre el tiempo que haces desde los 0 mph hasta el nodo :s
As far as I'm aware, you can only use lapper to do 0 to n (60mph, 100kph, etc) and is based on time, not location
Quote from sinanju :As far as I'm aware, you can only use lapper to do 0 to n (60mph, 100kph, etc) and is based on time, not location

Is there any way to take the time from one node to another node?

Hay alguna forma de tomar el tiempo desde un nodo hacia otro nodo?
Sure if you know the time to split1 and the total time when reaching split2, you can calculate how long it took between split1 and 2.
(Bass-Driver) DELETED by Bass-Driver
Quote from Bass-Driver :Hello,

I have decided to upload my dragmode. Its the one you saw in the video a few posts about: LFS Team Ignite..........

first a few notes before taking this file.

-Dragsystem isnt updated since uhm somewhere 2012.
-Make a global var named $Mode == "drag".
-Dragsystem might not working properly , because it is/was connected with other modes in my lapper.
-It only work with Autocross splits ( you have to be an S1 or S2 user) OR you must change it to NODES instead of SPLITS
-No support from me Smile.

I'll see if I can make it work in BL1 thanks ^ _ ^