The online racing simulator
i saw a tutorial here about editing . it was from don I THINK...
can't find it anymore. can anyone help
I just made a near perfect lens blur, and now GIMP is crashing!
It is frozen as I speak!
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Not much of editing, but'll do.
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Quote from Don :if you want some comments, here i go:
you keep forgetting to blur the stuff you can see thru windows (or rollbars on MRT); on the LX pic - background is blurry, but scenery in rearview mirror isnt -it should be; the blur is too strong and you should use lens blur (photoshop cs1 or cs2).

I agree with blur on parts seen through windows (and by reflections) but I cannot be that sure if the scenery in that spherical mirror would have so noticable blur as you expect Don.

/hunt for real photo evidence pics started

nah just kidding, anyways: since we can sucessfully expect the mirror being spherical, it will not only optically "squeeze" the landscape seen thru it, but obviously also any other effects from the camera lens - whether it be the DOF, or, for example, Lens Flares or highlights from the sun reflections.
Or in other words, mirror optics will effectively compensate the lens error, making the blurred parts more in focus again.

well... really widely appreciated error as I can see
Quote from Qurpiz :Not much of editing, but'll do.

Hope you don't mind, but I had a fiddle - I'm a noob at this, but it was worth a try...
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#709 - Don
Quote from RAYfighter :I agree with blur on parts seen through windows (and by reflections) but I cannot be that sure if the scenery in that spherical mirror would have so noticable blur as you expect Don.

/hunt for real photo evidence pics started

nah just kidding, anyways: since we can sucessfully expect the mirror being spherical, it will not only optically "squeeze" the landscape seen thru it, but obviously also any other effects from the camera lens - whether it be the DOF, or, for example, Lens Flares or highlights from the sun reflections.
Or in other words, mirror optics will effectively compensate the lens error, making the blurred parts more in focus again.

well... really widely appreciated error as I can see

i suppose the car`s rearview mirror works the same way as the mirror we have in bathroom - the picture on the mirror is "3d" and not "2d"..the attachment explains it
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Quote from M4ik :Blackwood panoramas

Nice! How do you get that glow in the sky (2nd pic)?
@DoN: You should replace your toothbrush, man illepall
@M4ik: AWESOME pics, especially the first one!
M4ik, good idea with the panoramas, gotta try few myself later today..
Quote from M4ik :Darkone55:

Photoshop > Celect > Color range (allocate the most light place on a picture), Fuzines ~ 100, OK

New Layer
Alt + Backspace (fill in allocation)
Filter > Blur...

Or you could try going to Select > Color Range and choose Highlights instead of allocating a color, copying and pasting that to a new layer and applying a Gaussian blur to it. Choose the Screen blend mode and decrease opacity if needed. That's how I do it and I prefer it.
Ok, here is my try. Improved version of the Pic i posted earlier in the "kerbing" Thread.
Comments Please
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#715 - Don
focus better?
Quote from Highsider9 :
Comments Please

you sure?
Hell yeah, bring it on

In the meantime i did another edit but i dont dare to upload it :weeping:
Haha, that looks cool
Quote from tyMu :auauah i cant use PS well yet.. , I am learning

TIP: Use the paths tool to trace.
(deggis) DELETED by deggis
Quote from GianniC :Lights look rather silly to me.

Reflections are really difficult with screenshots because you can't get the correct camera angle. Just look at DoN's bathroom pic, it explains it all.
And about the other pic - GC is right. I didnt even notice the car tbh, only after a deep look and after increasing my screen brightness.

But keep them coming, the last is already a lot better, only a weird reflection perspective, but it's a good start i'd say.

small hint:
just google around and look at objects reflecting on any surface, maybe it helps your imagination a bit... dunno just an idea

M4ik - yummy
orion! i want to see some more edits from you!

Edited pics
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