The online racing simulator
@Orion: beam reflections is the most tricky part there. Its not reflection of lightbulb itself but of the light, and more - reflection on tarmac would interfere with reflection on the curb making things even more complicated. Thus I assumed the angle of the curb makes reflections there invisible. And the look of it - for me its fine.
I got bored from black border - its the artist choice.

@bo-kristiansen: thats why this time no LFS logo there
I meant the beam reflections are too strong, but dunno
Or rather to linear, no falloff.
my pic
here is my taking a picture of a XRT and editing it
2 versions of it
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^^ nice, i like the coloured version more. Would've been awesome if the car had AA on it though. Maybe for next time?
Quote from Shinanigans :^^ nice, i like the coloured version more. Would've been awesome if the car had AA on it though. Maybe for next time?

whats AA?
ok i think it suxored
Quote from Smurfen :whats AA?

Anti-aliasing. Graphics option. Check your GFX control panel to turn it on as LFS doesn't have own option for it in the settings.
Antialiasing - set it on your card before printscreen.
@picture: you used zoom blur - it means you zoom during taking of picture.
omg i fuxored that one up
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Quote from Shinanigans :

Read from that post down.

Except you are horribly wrong in that post. AA + AF doesn't make a game "blurry". Do you see pixels and blurry textures everywhere in real life?

By looking at your comparison screens, it looks like you have some serious problems with your drivers or AF isn't working for you. AF is supposed to make the textures sharp and crisp even in the further distance, it looks like you only have bi-linear filtering (no AF) in those comparison shots.

See my attachments, AA shot has 6x AA and 16x AF. See how crispy the road is even further away? That's AF magic.
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made this a few minutes ago...its my first atempt at this reflexion type...lett me know what i did wrong .. and what u think 'bout it
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the lower one is with x6 AA the left is the old one (the first i posted). i see a little diffrence but not very much.
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bridge BF1.jpg
bridge BF1 BW.jpg
BF SO.jpg
Never really tried night/sunset pics before
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sunset SO 2.jpg
here is a new night one, one of my first with rain
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Quote from VALE 46 :Never really tried night/sunset pics before

sexy :bullwhip:
Matrixi, I'm not "horribly wrong" as you so boldy put it.

Fact is, that is what AA + AF is like on my computer with LFS. Perhaps my video card isn't rendering it properly, but what ever the problem may be, that is the end result. Hence the reason I personally don't like AA + AF.

I don't quite understand what you mean by blurry pixels and textures in real life i'm talkin bout the game, and AA + AF making the pixels and textures blurry on my computer. But i gather you were just making a funny

Your pictures look very nice. I would more then likely run AA + AF if mine turned out like that. What kind of video card do you have?

I just tried 4xAA + 16xAF. Still not as nice as yours, but not bad.
1280x1024 @ 32bit x 60hz. No half textures, LOD full everything, 24bit, not haze etc etc etc. Any option to make it pretty, is ticked.
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Quote from VALE 46 :Never really tried night/sunset pics before

That is nuts. I'm gunna try a sunset one next time, looks great!
Quote from Shinanigans :
I don't quite understand what you mean by blurry pixels and textures in real life i'm talkin bout the game, and AA + AF making the pixels and textures blurry on my computer. But i gather you were just making a funny

I was referring to your "I leave my settings on "Application Controlled" the way they the graphics were designed to be" statement.

Quote from Shinanigans :
Your pictures look very nice. I would more then likely run AA + AF if mine turned out like that. What kind of video card do you have?

God forsaken twice broken down Radeon 9800 Pro.

Quote from Shinanigans :
I just tried 4xAA + 16xAF. Still not as nice as yours, but not bad.
1280x1024 @ 32bit x 60hz. No half textures, LOD full everything, 24bit, not haze etc etc etc. Any option to make it pretty, is ticked.

That's very weird. It looks like the textures aren't being Anti-Aliased properly. The road looks like AA hasn't effected it. Too weird. Which graphics card do you have? Using latest drivers?

Sorry for offtopic.
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FZR lights 2.jpg
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FZR SO.jpg
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work in progress

Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )