The online racing simulator
People can pass me easy.
(15 posts, started )
People can pass me easy.
Hello guys, well ive got yet another problem :P i think it's a problem anyway lol. People seem to be able to pass me very easy, like they can accelerate faster than me? what am i doing wrong like i would be 2corners infront of them and they can catch up to me, i think im going around the corners properly maybe im gearing wrong? i have no idea ! Help!!!

Post up some replays of the problem, and I'm sure someone will take a look for ya
Quote from KevinJD :Hello guys, well ive got yet another problem :P i think it's a problem anyway lol. People seem to be able to pass me very easy, like they can accelerate faster than me? what am i doing wrong like i would be 2corners infront of them and they can catch up to me, i think im going around the corners properly maybe im gearing wrong? i have no idea ! Help!!!


The only way anyone's going to be able to tell is if you load a replay, so next time save the .mpr file and load it here.
Reeeplay! :)
Here's my replay
Attached files
Kevin_BL1_FBM_3.spr - 417.5 KB - 247 views
Too much gas at the start, too high revs damage the engine if sustained for too long

EDIT: Sorry didn't realise, as Jason points out below, only reving over the limiter (change down too early) will make engin damage..

Hope this helps,

i think its your gear shifting, your not letting off the gas and you do it slowly, try lifting off the throttle to change gear instead of using clutch,
The Formula BMW has an automatic clutch. Just lift the throttle and shift, don't use the clutch on your wheel.

Turn 2 complex needs to be 3rd gear, not 2nd. The gearing everywhere else seemed fine.

You're braking too hard and locking the wheels. When you hear the engine get quiet, you're braking too much. Wheels should be making a "chirp chirp chirp" sound, not "screee".

Trail-braking is way too aggressive - you're parking it in the middle of the corner. Don't trail brake to begin with, just focus on carrying speed through the corners. Once you have the speed, bring your braking point down and fine tune your brake release as you enter the corner (trail braking).

Find the speed through the corner. As I said you're parking it at the apex. Get to know "slip angle", Ive done a bit on general cornering on my blog. It's more about driving real cars, but 95% of it is applicable to LFS.

You're also apexing too early. The only thing you do with the wheel after the apex should be unwinding. Don't hold or add steering lock. If that happens, that means either your angle at the apex is too little, or your apex itself is early.

The good news is, you never got loose (oversteer) in that lap. That's good, and it shows a trait of sensetivity on your part.
Try downloading some replays from S2 hotlap chart on Start with about 1:15.xx. Watch the replay closely, learn braking, turn-in points. In the beginning try not to use kerbs, as it's very frustrating to spin out when you're not used to them. As I can see from the replay, you're still not too comfortable with the car, so don't push yourself too hard for now.

Are you driving with a keyboard?
Nah im driving with a steering wheel, Logitech Driving Force GT can someone give me a map of the lap with the corner names please? cos i dont know where the apex corner is or any of the others, thanks

#10 - STF
Press "4" to toggle 'default' racing line. Use it to make your own.
Watching WR Replays usually helps too (BL1 WRs).
Apex is not a corner, apex is a part of the cornering.

Apex is the place where for a slight moment you touch the inside line of the corner.

When you miss the apex point, it means that you either aren't able to get to the inside, or you get there in the wrong moment thus making accelerating out of the corner harder, or making it happen too late.

For good cornering you should aim for racing line what allows easy and early exiting of the corner, so you can start accelerating for the next straight early without a need for pumping the gas and waiting for the right moment.
Quote from SparkyDave :Too much gas at the start, too high revs damage the engine if sustained for too long

Hope this helps,



I always thought you only damage the engine when you go over the rpm guage display end. Like changing from 6th to 2nd gear and the needle goes past the RPM guage scale.

So if you sit on the line and rev it at full revs with the throttle, this will damage the engine in LFS? I just thought the rev limiter stopped (was reduced on purpose) just on the redline because LFS was not damaging engines when people reved them up to full revs.... So to temporarially compensate this failing in the damage system the rev limiter was reduced to force real engine revs that people would actually use. I didn't think you could damage the engine with throttling alone.

I am assuming too much here?

Am I wrong here? Every race I have ever done I put the throtle at full from the first red light and drop the clutch at green (about 10 seconds in all). Am I damaging the engine before every race? The engine sounds fine, you can usually tell when it's damaged a lot from bad downshifting mess ups.
Yeah the engine damages only when the revs go past the limiter. You can't damage it by just sitting on the gas, you have to do something like changing down too early.
Oh, thanks. So I'm losing races because I can't drive gud. Glad you cleared that up.
The little mistakes through that first chicane cost dearly when against someone who does it right!

I get pwned there too all the time!

People can pass me easy.
(15 posts, started )