Sorry for the delay...
Step 2: Channel Creation
Now that you have your Ogg/Vorbis files sorted, lets check your LFS folder>data>ogg to verify that all your files have converted.
Use this image as a guide ... muwfyo5ag?feat=directlink
(Note: The Ogg/Vorbis files shown in the image and later in the tutorial are only to be used as an example, so the actual filenames of your Ogg/vorbis files are whatever you named them when you converted them.)
Next, start up LFS (it must be in the LFS folder you converted the music to in its data>ogg subdirectory), and click Options>Audio.
Image below as guide. ... yNnTwjRAg?feat=directlink
Now, click Channels.
You should have this interface appear if you haven't already made changes: ... q9vwGswTw?feat=directlink
Notice that on the left is a list of channels, (i.e. a playlist of songs from the library), and on the right is the library/reservoir of tracks (Ogg/Vorbis format).
After that, you should click New, on the right hand side, as many times as needed to add your converted tracks.
Image: ... J3RhSQ9VA?feat=directlink
Then, for each added track (named Track 1,2, and such), select Name on the right hand side, and select one of the converted tracks (in this example: besaid): ... WpXEIIQoQ?feat=directlink
After the first selection, you should have the track's name (filename) instead of Track #.
E.g. ... C7gimK9XQ?feat=directlink
Then repeat for the other tracks:
e.g. ... LdrKwCMmw?feat=directlink
Now, once you have added all the tracks to the library on the right, click New on the left hand side to add an new channel. ... n60pyyNQg?feat=directlink
Take note of the Channel 2 that has just appeared. That is your custom channel.
Important Note: Do not edit the Channel 1, as that is the default channel of LFS, unless you know what you are doing, which of course you will, but after this tutorial.)
To edit the name of Channel 2 that has just appeared, (or not, if you happen to be one of a small group of people who like default names or are too lazy to change them), click Name on the left hand side. (for this example, I'm going to change the name to FFX, as these songs are from Final Fantasy X
E.g. ... 5A95QsniA?feat=directlink
Now, your chosen name should appear instead of Channel 2, (or maybe the same if you like default names...). Now, now notice that each song has little dashes next to them, and a left and right arrow.
The arrows are to select (depending on which channel is selected), how many times a song is to be played, if at all, in a playlist. When a dash is next to a song, in the currently selected channel, it means it will
NOT play in that channel. If you change the number to 1 or more, it means it
WILL play in that channel, how ever many times you specified.
Now, change all the songs you recently added to have a 1 in the rightmost column on the library, and make sure you have (whatever you named your channel) selected too.
E.g. ... SJu-jhqBg?feat=directlink
Next, click Save to save your current channel configuration.
E.g. ... cCG3HK8gw?feat=directlink
Press OK.
Now you will see your newly created channel to select next to Ingame music.
E.g. ... yWrg6zP9w?feat=directlink
Select it.
E.g. ... SUqDr7Zmg?feat=directlink
Now take the next step...