The online racing simulator
Something stupid on FE
(4 posts, started )
Something stupid on FE
Some times, when i drift on FE, the computer is hanging off (sry for my bad english ;/, i mean i can't play any more, i can't race, i can't move) and i must restart a comp. This is stupid, cuz i have it only on FE.
This is serious trouble, cuz when i do something not good (in exemple restart) my brother locks my account...

someone help me? ^^
It sounds very strange that Fern Bay causes this, I rather think your CPU is overheating and locking up. Try to clean the cooler and let a tool run in the background which monitors your CPU temperature. It might also be some faulty RAM.
i have the temp monitor, it was only 40C so not big...
Ok, thx for reply, i will be watching a temp
40°C during playing? Wow.

Something stupid on FE
(4 posts, started )