The online racing simulator
Old Replays
(15 posts, started )
Old Replays
ayy gronks

would any of you guys possibly have old mate [DUcK]'s BL1 XFG wr replay from any patch. cant seem to find it anywhere and the man himself seems to have deleted it, noob

#2 - arco
I think I do! Probably on the old track config I guess, can't remember if he had the wr on the new config. In the good old demo days I believe Fusion had like 3 people in the top 5 on bl1/xfg. I'll see if I can find replays later tonight.
yeah it was the old config. thanks
#5 - arco
Oboy! Lot's of replays to go through! Here's a few good old ones I found.
First 3 attachments are replays from Patch Q, and is 1st, 2nd and 3rd place from the wr hotlap chart just before the next incompatible patch was out.
The 4th attachment is from Patch X, which was the last one with the old Blackwood config.
Attached files
csimpok_BL1_XFG_131540.spr - 84.4 KB - 140 views
[DUcK]_BL1_XFG_131570.spr - 24.5 KB - 147 views
PartyBoyU_BL1_XFG_131580.spr - 81.2 KB - 135 views
[DUcK]_BL1_XFG_132890.spr - 1022.8 KB - 155 views
Haha wow
Had a shot on the on patch V last night and really enjoyed myself
That was the one track & car that I could class as my niche, I guess
Although quite embarrassed about the last replay - wearing down my tyres! Oh well, I guess I was young.. Arco - do you have the 32.91 or 93 or 95 lap? Not sure if I did a 91 or not though
Good old days! Bring the old blackwood back I say!
And bring PartyB too ...someone i never saw anymore was this great brazilian that was on the top charts, but when the hybrids were introduced into the hotlaps he kinda vanished.
yah, Fabio M.G. That lap was insane!!! He was the first to break into the 1.31.xx bracket with all road normals. His lap was awesome
#9 - Tukko
I did some nostalgy googling and found this one: ColCob's unofficial S2 hotlaps chart .. Good old days. Spr's seems to be deleted tho but there's some setups left if anyone needs them

[DUcK] must have been still in breast-feeding back then, can't see your name in there... Noob
Hey that's cool! Many old names in there that have moved on now
Funny to see that arrechee was and still is hella fast
#11 - arco
Cheers arco. I think that's probably my fav
Replay Obselute ?
u need the right patch...
Hey friends !!!

Im here yet

Thanks by remember my WRs in GTI with mouse control

Was a great old times

When the hybrids were introduced into the hotlaps i leave the LFS.
In my concept tarmac surface is for tarmac tires not for mud tires.

I never played again =( Maybe with a new release of LFS im back.

Anyone have contact with partyboyU ? Was the best player that i have raced.


Old Replays
(15 posts, started )