The online racing simulator
#1 - Jakg
Long Shot - Anyone Got An Asus eee 701 Kicking About?
Basically - looking for an Asus eee 701 netbook for a project - It's gonna be disassembled so condition isn't important, it doesn't even neccesarily have to work. Don't mind what OS it uses, or what model it is - as long as it's the 7" 701.

Looking to pay as little as possible - i.e. £50 or less...
LOL. Sorry for grave - digging, but didn't want to leave this out in the grave with no response. I did see a 901 for sale over in Canada selling for $120. I have a 700 2G Surf, but I won't sell it for 50 quid. Outta curiousity, what is the project?
#3 - dadge
get a netbook for less than £60 lol.
#4 - Jakg
I got an eee 701 2G for £69. You'll see the project once it's done... :P