Radeon 4850
(28 posts, started )
Radeon 4850
Was looking at getting a new graphics card a while ago and the card of the moment was the Radeon 4850. Is it still the one to get or is there soemthing out there better for around the same price looking at spending around 80 to 100 pound. Found the 4850 for 75 pound.

Do it.

edit - just incase, don't listen to Shadowww.
i have that card. very fast. paired with an arctic cooling accelero s1.rev2 and a slow 12cm fan is dead silent.
Well, id reccommend u to get some more money and go with the 4870 wich is way much future proof. Also, with reference cooler.
It's not like a HUGE difference IMO... For the money, the 50 is good.
Think i will go for the 4850 and save that little extra towards a new cpu.

Ordered get in!!!!!!!

the 20% (at most) difference in performance is not worth the price difference (75 vs 109, ~45%)
That is not always true. That mainly depend what games you play and at what resolution. That difference can be sometimes day and night. Especially the min FPS as 4870 has almost double the memory bandwitch thx to the DDR5 Rams.

However I respect the decistion made by Ashley. Its always about the money and personal preferences.
i showed benchmarks where you can see in 15 games and 3 different resolutions that the cards aren't so different to explain the 45% higher price. Where you see the "day and night" difference... i can't see.
maybe it's night.
Hit a bit of a snag guys....

Anything i can do.

That sucks.... Get a different gfx card or mb... What size was th old card?
Quote from Ashley Williams :Hit a bit of a snag guys....

Anything i can do.


Looking at the photo there are probably another 2 pins hidden by the gc, I only count 22 there and it should be 24. From the photo it doesn't look like there is much clearance (if any) there and if that is the case then a new motherboard is the simplest solution.
you might get lucky using only the 20pin connector from the psu for the motherboard.
i am not sure about the orientation of the header so... depending on that, the motherboard, the psu and the phase of the moon you might be able to pull it off with only the 20 pins connected.

i'll check for other gpus later
No worries any more guys. Ive ordered myself a new mobo cpu and ram more info to follow.

I have a 3850 and its longer than even yours, it actualy extends out from the edge of the mother board. I had to move my hard drives to fit it in.

You should watch out where the power connector for the new mother board is, sometimes they put them right next to the CPU socket, and that can cut your options for aftermarket heat sinks. I had to pull some trickery just to fit my Mugen 2 onto the board.
i had first 4850 one and all games runned nicelly, then i bought another 4850 and put them to work together and now i can run all games almoust maxed details @ 1900x1200 with sum AA and other shit.

So 4850 is a great piece of GFX card imho for the price u have to pay
#20 - Jakg
If it makes you feel any better, I got a 9600GT super cheap the other day and I thought i'd test it and it won't fit as the shroud gets straight in the way of my SATA ports.
#21 - WSR
Is that motherboard by any chance Micro-ATX sized?
Jakq im gutted for you i almost broke down in tears when i saw mine. I solved my problem by buying a new motherboard CPU and RAM. They where getting on a bit so it gave me a good excuse to upgrade. I hope you find a way around it maybe with a PSI sata card im pretty sure ive seen them.

And yes it is a micro ATX. new board is a full ATX

#23 - Jakg
Nah I just kept my 8800GT and put the 9600GT on eBay. I only paid £4.97 for it anyway so I can't complain
I love my 4850. May be getting a second to do crossfire.

Radeon 4850
(28 posts, started )