this is a guide for any new, or old player that is trying to take off fastest off of the starting line. if you want to be the first one to the first corner, then you have to obviously pay the MOST attention to the light, the nanosecond it turns green, you take off...but a lot of people do it very in-efficiently. when the light turns green, your instinct (and if you are coming from need for speed) is to dump the clutch and mash the throttle. this is very bad, in most if not all cars.
lets hold on with the explanation for a second, preparation for the green light, can be just as important. if you are driving with a wheel, with pedals, you want to before the green light, make sure it is in neutral, floor it, and stomp on the brakes, so you know everything is fully calibrated, so you don't have any mis-haps anywhere. you want to have the tachometer needle a few hundred, and maybe thousand rpm's below the rev limiter, you want to hold it there. everything i said in the last paragraph. when you are on the last light, do not jump, or move a muscle, but you want to have your clutch pedal (if available) out just before it bites. when the light turns green you want to let your clutch out the very small amount that you need to start moving, and listen to your tires, for any slip at all, if you hear slip, dont give more throttle or less clutch, just leave it there, as you feel you are out of the wheel spin danger, you should floor it and let out the clutch completely. to get out in front, you should not worry about your clutch, and keep it floored, as you shift through gears, so you do not waste any time.
comment with questions.
hope it is not too much to handle for new players. 
P.S. if you use auto clutch, and shift, just apply what i said with gas, and dont let the wheels spin, but a chirp is good.
i will get a demonstration video.
lets hold on with the explanation for a second, preparation for the green light, can be just as important. if you are driving with a wheel, with pedals, you want to before the green light, make sure it is in neutral, floor it, and stomp on the brakes, so you know everything is fully calibrated, so you don't have any mis-haps anywhere. you want to have the tachometer needle a few hundred, and maybe thousand rpm's below the rev limiter, you want to hold it there. everything i said in the last paragraph. when you are on the last light, do not jump, or move a muscle, but you want to have your clutch pedal (if available) out just before it bites. when the light turns green you want to let your clutch out the very small amount that you need to start moving, and listen to your tires, for any slip at all, if you hear slip, dont give more throttle or less clutch, just leave it there, as you feel you are out of the wheel spin danger, you should floor it and let out the clutch completely. to get out in front, you should not worry about your clutch, and keep it floored, as you shift through gears, so you do not waste any time.
comment with questions.

P.S. if you use auto clutch, and shift, just apply what i said with gas, and dont let the wheels spin, but a chirp is good.
i will get a demonstration video.