Too many cooks at the Linux broth has me unsure of third party drivers and support, waiting for integration for popular every-day hardware is a pain, so, with car keys and euros in hand just about to leave for the nearest PC outlet to buy XP I ask anyone, can I use my old product keys for XP(I have bought three notebooks with XP home installed)and can I just download XP from MS or do I need to buy?
The first person who suggests I DL a cracked XP gets a slap in the face
also, I've tried WinBuilder and nLite with no success as it just will not work with backup partitions like the ones on my notebooks.
The first person who suggests I DL a cracked XP gets a slap in the face

also, I've tried WinBuilder and nLite with no success as it just will not work with backup partitions like the ones on my notebooks.