The online racing simulator

Poll : WHEN (all times are BST , UTC +1 / GMT +1)

Closed since :
Sundays start between 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Tuesdays Between 6:30 PM - 7:15PM
Saturdays start between 4 PM - 7 PM
Other (Specify day and timeframe)
Day of the week?
Gonna be looking at another GP by the end of august and then more frequently from then..

What i am interested in knowing however is this:

Sundays are very busy days for leagues it seems at the moment. but what would be better for you guys (even if you are not interested in racing it will be useful as a statistic)

Race START times:
Saturdays between 4pm - 7pm BST (GMT+1 / UTC +1)
Sundays between 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM BST (GMT +1 / UTC +1)
Tuesdays Between 6:30 PM - 7:15PM BST (GMT + 1/'UTC +1)

Other: Suggestions?

Try to specify what end of the time frame you would prefer (early, late, in the middle.. Remember to allow for Quali time BEFORE race start)

All races will be arranged to finish no later than 9PM BST with the average race lengh between 1hr 20 minutes - 1hr 40 minutes long.
Saturday and sunday will both work for me. Looking forward to some league racing (between the OLFSL summer break) on such 'early GMT' times.