First of all, a warm welcome back to returning drivers and teams, and hello to those looking to take part in the series for the first time!
This post is a placeholder to let you all know that discussions are taking place behind the scenes in order to prepare the upcoming MoE season. As usual, the season will start at the end of September or very beginning of October, and will run through February of next year. At the moment, the season rules are being finalized and the schedule is being discussed. We have a broadcast package in place, once again with our wonderful partners at, and we expect many of the commentators from seasons past to return.
We will be sticking with the class format from the last two seasons, though the exact balancing is still being worked over. We expect applications for the season to open soon, so keep your eyes peeled for an announcement. As usual, teams will be invited to compete--submitting an application does not guarantee a spot in the field.
Thanks for your continued support of the Masters of Endurance, and we look forward to sharing more information regarding the upcoming season with you in short order.
Best regards,
Ben & Appie