Rims [simple wheels setting - not a bug]
The rims on lfs s2 have no spokes and you can see right throught them! Is this a problem just on my machine?
go to options, graphics, and change the setting for simple wheels
ok thanx 4 your help
#5 - Jakg
Quote from [RDP] GAV :noob

thats a bit harsh dont you think?
Quote from [RDP] GAV :noob

This is a forum for people that request help... nobody should be called a "noob" here...!
Quote from [RDP] GAV :noob

illepall illepall illepall This kid brings up a thread that is almost a month old, just to call someone asking for help a "noob". Holy crap, get a life.
[RDP] GAV, get a life, he has more posts than u
(spsamsp) DELETED by spsamsp : I thought that he was talking about my post lol
actually he isn't the only one who have had this "problem" at least one more thread on this forum and probably not everybody writes about it here. So i would like to call it a rather common "problem"
#12 - th84
Quote :... nobody should be called a "noob" here...!

My 1 button isn't working
Holy necropost batman! Check the dates of the thread >.<
he hasn pressd 1 already, has he?

*bringing up the thread again*
Who the hell is Gav anyway!!!