i have just pulled off a 45.72 in FOX and was gonna upload the hotlap but can't find it... is it cuz im running the ghost mod? has it not saved the replay
Firstly the simple stuff - please forgive me if you already know this: Unless you have set it to automatic in the options replays are saved manually by pressing 1 in single player, or 2 when online.
As for whether the ghost mod could effect saving of the replay I do not know.
This seems to be a common mistake... "1" saves the replay with an automatically generated name (it basically takes all useful information and throws it to the filename) and with "2", you can specify a filename for yourself...
If you did not save by hitting 1 or you did not hit escape and hit "replay", then it might not have saved. This is to keep the clutter on your hard drive down.
However, another reason might be that it was not a HLVC good lap, and those don't get saved.
Were you running in hotlap mode or single player mode?