I'm realy looking forward to the tyre physics to get here, realism ftw
I know I'm a sim drifter in a race sim, but if it gets even MORE "close 2 home", gets more dificult, I will feal more satisfied kicking it sideways with(some degree of) controll
I also hope the "soap tyres" will be gone, and behave like tyres do irl when "abused"
THANK YOU scawen & co. for coming with updates for the best driving experience I ever have bought for my computer!
*not brown-nosing, he don't care much for drifting anyway

Keep up the good work, you are doing a great job
btw: love the new lights/instrument-pannels/lisenceplates/wheels btw, will plates&wheels be added as "skins" later?
All the "heated discutions" in this thread was rather anoying, but I'm glad it is calm and "on topic" now.
(yes, I read 32 pages when i notised the thread today:shy