The online racing simulator
New system
(4 posts, started )
New system
Hey there, it's time for a new computer (i've got an old shitty one which can't run games anymore).

I have saved up 700 quid. I would look around on / but i have been saving this money up for a LONG time (I'm doing a paper round), and wouldn't want to waste my money, hah.

I want to go down the AMD route, and would like a motherboard which can support SLI (for a later date, if needs be, but 1 graphics card for now would be good). Also i'm not sure if getting one which supports ddr3 ram is worth it or not, and on top of that if it's worth it for water cooling (although i'm a newbie in that so maybe not.).
Which graphics card is good for the budget, but keep in mind i probably will be getting a new one at a later date to accompany it?
I will also need a new Harddrive, (pref. 500gb). I have got fairly new Disc drives, a case (an Antec 900), and all periferals so it's the main components needed. I would love it if one of you PC geeks (:razz could make me a computer for that budget,
Oh, and i will build it myself
#2 - Jakg
AMD 955 ( + Akasa AK-876),
Asus M4A79,
2x 500GB 7200.12's RAID0,
FSP 700w PSU.


No SLi, but Crossfire if you need it. No watercooling - but do you NEED it? If you won't be overclocking much it's pointless.

You can probably get an i7 in £700 but not with such a good graphics card.
Jak, i know it's a pain in the arse but could you link those parts from novatech / overclockers? Thanks alot for the help but i'm not very savvy with all these shortened names

Thanks alot for the help so far, though.
You don't need watercooling, a good watercooling kit costs like 500 euro's.

New system
(4 posts, started )