The online racing simulator
Just need one file.
(4 posts, started )
Just need one file.
Hey, I've looked everywhere for DISCSOILDAPL24.DDS, I've lost it, I already looked in one thread which solved my " CANNOT OPEN : WHEEL & Discrillapl24.DDS or something"

So if anyone has DISCSOILDAPL24.DDS, I really need it, My brake discs are just a square.

And i looked everywhere, Internet, This forum, Many other forums. And my wireless is sorta slow and it would take 5 hours to redownload LFS for one file, So, If anyone could give me that DDS, I would appreciate it!
In case your internet is so slow 176KB is a big difference:
Attached files - 80.7 KB - 133 views
Thanks. :3

Just need one file.
(4 posts, started )