Okay, first of all I'd like to thanks everyone for giving your free time. We had a very very nice turn-up there, 17 guys was much more than what I exepted.
We had some major issues during this event, yes, but I didn't lose my hopes to run in the end a well established league, giving an alternative to "classic" racing.
As Passo said, this was a new league, but not only. It was also, as far as we know, the first ever Bump and Jump league race ever held. I'm sorry for the ones who hoped for a perfect event, with no incident at all : these people, in our honest opinion, were just naïve. A new concept automatically means wrong routes taken, mistakes done, etc. Rome wasn't made in one day, that's why I'd like to tell to everyone who was disappointed by this event to consider giving it a second chance.
The main problem was that we really didn't exept to have a full grid for that first event. This track wasn't built to host 16 people on it, and we onlty realised that very late. But, to be honest, the track wasn't the only problem : we were quite saddened by the standards from some drivers. Really, what do you have to say when some drivers still don't know that they spinning another competitor is no-go, that divebombing in T1 at the first lap is just retarded, or that retiring from the race is the only option when your car is too damaged to control it? Penalising them? Well, we tried, but obviously we only have 4 eyes for 16 different competitors. It's just an evidence that we can't catch everything.
Anyway, back to the good news, we are looking for providing a livestream of the league for round 3, and maybe round 2. Passo will be able to answer to a few questions from his car if he wants to
E : Ohhh, I almost forgot one thing : Thanks for the kind words guys