User Informationlist
Hello guys,
Im atm coding a Open Source Race/Rank System and to complet my work i need a "bit" help.

Ok now what i need/want...

i want to list some userinfos in a slate
ok so fine then, but i dont know how to read from each player the current speed,car and the current position...

i hope you can understand what i want/need.

Regards Marco.

have added a picture maybe u understand what i mean

edit 1 : got it whit the car and the pos now but not wiht the speed
it shows me only the speed from 1 player not from each one

i mean in the list it shows 1 speed and @ the following player in the list it shows the same speed
confused ...
Attached images
if you need more information just say it ...
ah ^^
im using Latest LLFS_External client C# ^^
no one a clou how to read each player speed?

comon guys i trust you

Greez marco
(MariusMM) DELETED by MariusMM : History
Im not dump xD

the code for the speed, is it for ALL users or just for me ? i dont mean the maths code i mean the code whitch shows me the speed
i mean if im seting the code into my insim will it show only my current speed or from everybody ?
#5 - Silox
xD dont blame me xD^^
okay im not the smartest xD ^^
no one can help?
#7 - Silox
Quote from Marco1 :xD dont blame me xD^^
okay im not the smartest xD ^^
no one can help?

Marius already did.
curently it shows only my speed .. not from the 8 others ...
okay fixed ...

thx to marius for the code and silox for ?? xD nothing ^^
Quote from Marco1 :okay fixed ...

thx to marius for the code and silox for ?? xD nothing ^^

For telling you were to look maybe?
okay thx to Silox for telling me where to look