Embedding LFS Remote on Web sites
Is it possible to embed Remote as a Flash element on a web page?

If not I think it would be great to have that functionality for people to be able to follow the races right on the Leagues' or teams' sites.
#2 - STF
It`s possible if you embed remote.swf with the host name as a parameter.

Quote :<object width="600" height="400">
<param name="movie" value="http://www.lfsworld.net/remote/remote.swf?host=%28FM%29+FoX+JuNkieS">
<embed src="http://www.lfsworld.net/remote/remote.swf?host=%28FM%29+FoX+JuNkieS" width="800" height="600">

You can obtain host names from host list. Works only on Insim Relay enabled hosts afaik. (R next to them)
i've seen it embedded before and it causes a scrolling bug.
yeah, like that... scrolling to zoom also scrolls the whole page.
Guys that's been addressed.

Just use +/- on your keyboard to zoom the map.