LFS-LMS (Live_for_Speed-Lemans) is a multiclass racing series including GTR classes (FXO-GTR, XR-GTR, FZ50-GTR),Formula BMW, and Formula V8.
Official Site: http://WebStarts.com/LFS-LMS
Series Info
Races-Races will either have a set number of laps or be timed, Of course Formula V8 will normally be the first to finish but scoring goes by your finishing position in your class not overall position. Races will be started by a warm up lap from a rolling start. Classes with be seperated on the start with Formula V8 starting first GTR starting second and Formula BMW starting last to prevent lag. the classes will be seperated by a set distance and when the qualifying leader reaches the start/finish line the class starts there race. When lapping down the slower class can maintain their normal line the faster class must make their way around without hitting the slower class runners. If it is not near the end of the race slower class runners please give room for faster cars. If you are unnecessarily blocking faster cars the will be asked to go into pits for a drive threw penalty if the penalty is ignored the runner will be disquallified and points will be deducted.
If a faster car wrecks a slower car he will be asked to do the same.
Points-This points chart applies for all classes
1st: 25 points
2nd: 20 points
3rd: 15 points
4th: 10 points
5th: 5 points
6th: 4 points
7th: 3 points
8th: 1 point
Most laps led in class:10 points
Lap led: 5 points
Team points will be an add up of all team driver's points together with a maximum team size of 4 drivers.
If a team has less than 4 drivers the driver with the lowest points, points will be multiplyied. You do not have to be on a team if your not on a team and you want to be you can ask and you can add, trade or kick team members every 3 races.
Team members are not required to have similar paint jobs but it is suggested.
Racers spots-(LFS-LMS) is a 100% free series. No fees just fun. You may not have the same number as another series racer once you choose a number it is final for the rest of the season.
Tracks:Track list coming soon...
Note:If you would like to join the series reply to this post listing you desired #, Class, Car, Team or single, and Screen name. If you want to be on a team post in () Free Agent. Only 12 racers per class.
Formula V8
#13 FXO-GTR H.Robertson (Robertson Racing)
Formula BMW
Official Site: http://WebStarts.com/LFS-LMS
Series Info
Races-Races will either have a set number of laps or be timed, Of course Formula V8 will normally be the first to finish but scoring goes by your finishing position in your class not overall position. Races will be started by a warm up lap from a rolling start. Classes with be seperated on the start with Formula V8 starting first GTR starting second and Formula BMW starting last to prevent lag. the classes will be seperated by a set distance and when the qualifying leader reaches the start/finish line the class starts there race. When lapping down the slower class can maintain their normal line the faster class must make their way around without hitting the slower class runners. If it is not near the end of the race slower class runners please give room for faster cars. If you are unnecessarily blocking faster cars the will be asked to go into pits for a drive threw penalty if the penalty is ignored the runner will be disquallified and points will be deducted.
If a faster car wrecks a slower car he will be asked to do the same.
Points-This points chart applies for all classes
1st: 25 points
2nd: 20 points
3rd: 15 points
4th: 10 points
5th: 5 points
6th: 4 points
7th: 3 points
8th: 1 point
Most laps led in class:10 points
Lap led: 5 points
Team points will be an add up of all team driver's points together with a maximum team size of 4 drivers.
If a team has less than 4 drivers the driver with the lowest points, points will be multiplyied. You do not have to be on a team if your not on a team and you want to be you can ask and you can add, trade or kick team members every 3 races.
Team members are not required to have similar paint jobs but it is suggested.
Racers spots-(LFS-LMS) is a 100% free series. No fees just fun. You may not have the same number as another series racer once you choose a number it is final for the rest of the season.
Tracks:Track list coming soon...
Note:If you would like to join the series reply to this post listing you desired #, Class, Car, Team or single, and Screen name. If you want to be on a team post in () Free Agent. Only 12 racers per class.
Formula V8
#13 FXO-GTR H.Robertson (Robertson Racing)
Formula BMW