Quote from Crashgate3 :Why do the letters' 'names' sound so different to the phonemes they represent?

Because a single speech sound can be incredibly difficult to pronounce on it's own.
The gem in that is the way he climbs onto the sofa
(Stiggie) DELETED by Stiggie
Hahaha that's awesome!

The amount of Sergio Ramos fail pictures is so big that I can't stop laughing on any of them. Internet reacts so immediately. I love it.

Type 'Zerg Rush' into Google.
I love 'GG' at the end
New page, enough space!

it was the first day of school, and i was getting ready to get on the bus, so naturally i was like . so i was doin’ my thang, and eating a banana as i got on. then i saw the driver and he was all like so i was like and he was like so i was like . i wasn’t allowed to eat the banana.

~~~~~~~~~ 1 hour later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i finally got to school and was like and i walked into my classroom and the teacher was like so i was like and then i went to my first class. it was music class. the teacher was like and i was like then that class was over and i went to english. i was like but the teacher still gave alot of homework. the girl next to me was like but the teacher was like then i went to spanish and the teacher was like and i got in trouble for some reason so i had to go the principal’s office so i was like when i got the office, the principal and nurse were like and i was like but then they stopped and the principal was like so i was like and she was like OKAY, then the day went by and the school was out. all the kids were like and like but i just got on the bus and the driver was still like
~~~~~~~~ the end ~~~~~~~~~~
MY GOD you must be really bored.

Its funny though
I'm sorry. I made this myself:
I just think it is incredibly stupid which makes it fun too...
Was already Made
Quote from 5tag :What's supposed to be funny about that?

It's called comedy mate !

Like art, some get it and some don't !

No criticism implied, it's just the different ways people's heads work.
(BlakjeKaas) DELETED by BlakjeKaas : meh

Quote from Crashgate3 :No you didn't, that's been around for years.

No it hasn't. The face on the bottom picture is different.
Quote from Crashgate3 :No you didn't, that's been around for years.

The idea may have been and probably has been done many times. But this one is my edit of the one with jobs face replaced with cook's face. Of course it is just an edit of some original pic... I never meant to say I made it all. I just edited it slightly...
google found this:
and next step is iField
than iDie
This thread is closed

The inevitable picture thread III: Revenge of the funnies
(14533 posts, closed, started )