Event OnConnect()
OpenPrivButton( "logo" ,25,80,80,5,4,-1,16, "^1FBM Racing Server" );
OpenPrivButton( "track" ,25,50,150,15,12,-1,16, "^3The Current Track is ^8" . $Longtrackname
OpenPrivButton( "welc" ,25,50,150,15,12,-1,0,"^7Welcome " . $Nickname . " ^7to the FBM Racing Server !&^2Type ^7!help ^2after leaving garage to see commands." );
OpenPrivButton( "pos" ,25,80,150,10,8,-1,0,"^7Your actual friendly Position (all visitors) : ^7" . $Posabs
. "&^2Your actual League prequalify Position : " . $Posqual . " ^6Estimate Pool : " . $Groupqual
. "&Don't swear on this server"
. "&respect other player"
. "&respect^4 blue ^9 and ^3yellow ^9flags"
. "&otherwise you can be banned "
openPrivButton( "clos",78,120,20,10,10,-1,32,"Accept",OnConnectClose );
openPrivButton( "ref",103,120,20,10,10,-1,32,"Deny",OnConnectCloseKick );
Yesterday this worked fine. But now when i start insim i click accept and only the accept and deny go away and the rest stays there
Also i'm having trouble with placeing the box, anyone have any tutorials on the co ordinates