Today we'd officially like to present you a new racing system.
The servers of the new Xcite Race World have been started and are waiting for you!
On this occasion we want to bring you the Xcite Race World and its servers closer. Our goal with this project is to get away from the 3-5 laps of public racing.
On the Xcite Race World servers, the shortest race is about 10-20 minutes, and this offers exciting sprint races with lots of nice battles.
There will be also a licence systems on our server similar to the old CTRA servers. So your task is to grap as many points as possible.
Overall the license system contains 16 medals starting with the Plastic Medal up to the Unobtainium Medal.
To achieve the latest one it you should take several weeks time, but this is only an indication of me because the point system runs from 0-50000.
You can get this points on all 4 servers, because they are added together at the end.
You can later find them on our site www.xcite-racing.de under Xcite Race World.
It is possible to go to any server you want and choose a car you'd like to drive.
The servers are the following:
Xcite RaceWorld FBM:
FBM server with short 10 minutes sprint races
Xcite RaceWorld BF1:
15 minutes races in the powerful and funky BMW F1.06
Xcite RaceWorld TBO:
15 minutes races with the 3 TBO´s XRT, RB4 und FXO (3 % restrictor)
Xcite RaceWorld GT:
Here we'll drive all cars of the GTR class, from the big GTR´s like FZR(+2% restrictor), XRR and FXR.
But also the GT2 class and the NGT's are available so that we'll have a nice mix of all 3 classes fighting against each other.
We wish you much fun on the servers of the Xcite Race World!
FBM Server
10 min. Races
Fernbay Gold 8(Laps)
Westhill International Standard 7
Blackwood GP 9
Aston Club 10
Kyoto National Reversed 7
South City Town Course Reversed 9
Fernbay Green 10
South City Chicane Route 10
Aston National 6
Aston North Standard 6
South City Long 7
GTR/GT2/NGT Server
must pit
FZR 2%
20 min. Races
Aston GP 8
Kyoto GP Long 9
Westhill International 14
Fern Bay Gold 16
Aston Historic 8
Kyoto National 14
Blackwood GP 17
Fern Bay Black 8
Aston National 13
South City Long 14
Kyoto GP long Reversed 9
Aston GT Reversed 8
South City Chicane Route 18
BF1 Server
15 min. Races
Westhill International 13
Aston National 11
Kyoto GP Long 7
South City Long 12
Fern Bay Green 20
Aston GT 7
Kyoto National 11
South City Town Course Reversed 14
Aston GP Reversed 7
TBO Server
FXO 3% Restriktor
15 min. Races
Blackwood GP 12
Fern Bay Gold 10
Aston Cadet 15
South City Chicane Route Reversed 12
Kyoto National 7
Westhill International 8
Fern Bay Green Reversed 12
Aston Club 12
South City Long Reversed 8
Kyoto National Reversed 7
Westhill International Reversed 8
Aston National Reversed 7
South City Twon Course 10
Aston North 6