The online racing simulator
My HotLap .spr files won't upload to LFSW
Hello LFS'ers - this is my first post so be gentle with me as I am an LFS newbie. When I try to upload my hotlap (recorded in "HotLap" mode as directed), the LFS World website keeps giving me the error message telling me to record it in hotlap mode, not single player mode. But I did record in HL mode! And because I'm a demo user at the moment, I also checked (as directed) that my player name for the hotlap is the same as my username for LFS World. It still gives same ERROR uploading message box . Please help me, Thanks.
You could try posting the replay here. It would help us determine what is the problem.
Can Demo players upload hotlaps? Or do you have to be a S1 or S2 member?
Yes they can.
Posting hotlap here
geeman how do I post it here ?
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What version of LFS are you using?
I'm not sure if people with fewer than 10 posts can upload attachments here

\/\/\/ Guess I was wrong
LFS Demo version Z28, see attachment
Attached files
hltestagain.spr - 54.8 KB - 289 views
P.S I have to go now (sleepy from hotlap headaches lol), but thanks for your interest and I'll check replies again later. Many thanks even if you can't fix my problem yet.
You need to stay on the road for the hotlap to be valid. You also can't crash in to walls or objects.
Errors on the last sector of the lap will also invalidate you next lap.

The HLVC validity indicator is on the upper right corner of the screen.
Ahh, I got it to work now that I did a valid lap. It appears to me that it is programmed to score invalid if more than half the car goes onto the grass, but I could be wrong. I did a 1:15.29 BL (RallyX XFG) so still needs work lol.

Thankyou so much for your help guys - now all I have to do is get the hang of my new G25.......

Btw, I have discovered (partly my justification for buying it) that the price of a brand new (from G25 is £119.99 ( do free carriage for orders over £100), whereas I had previously spent ages scouring ebay for a good second hand one, but it is actually MORE expensive (inc. carriage) than from This means my G25 is technically APPRECIATING in value Lol. The best from ebay was £119.99 inc carriage, but the warranty would be invalid etc. and you have to place more trust in the seller, ergo not as good a deal. Ebay is great but this represents a very unusual scenario for general 'electrical goods', showing how much the G25 is treasured. Having said that, it is @!%&!! noisy and is crap for RallyX.
P.S I wasnt' shilling for - just my objective observation on an unusual pricing situation for the G25. I have no relationship whatsoever to, it just happened to be where i bought it from last week.