I know its probably a little early, but it is december afterall. 
Christmas eve, down the pub, its tradition!
For christmas day it will be the usual flitting between my parents and her parents as they live quite close to eachother, probably a pint down the pub at lunch time (they open for 2 hours at lunchtime) then lunch at my parents and evening dinner at her parents, then home.
Boxing day will be much the same i guess, will probably be going to my nans at some point as well as her grand parents too, then back to soham where we live and to the pub in the evening.
Then comes the new year....
I have work in the morning
so i will finish at 12 midday and then it will be home shower change get in the car, and travel to birmingham NEC for....
Slammin Vinyl!!
Christmas will be good, but i have a feeling new years eve/day will be much more fun!

Christmas eve, down the pub, its tradition!

For christmas day it will be the usual flitting between my parents and her parents as they live quite close to eachother, probably a pint down the pub at lunch time (they open for 2 hours at lunchtime) then lunch at my parents and evening dinner at her parents, then home.
Boxing day will be much the same i guess, will probably be going to my nans at some point as well as her grand parents too, then back to soham where we live and to the pub in the evening.
Then comes the new year....
I have work in the morning

Slammin Vinyl!!
Christmas will be good, but i have a feeling new years eve/day will be much more fun!