FinalGear-Season2 racing music video thing
(5 posts, started )
FinalGear-Season2 racing music video thing

Let me have any comments or such, as I may be doing another soon.

It isn't much of an effect&transition fest as i tend to prefer movies that underdo the effects in favour of action than those that overdo the effects but end up with no action worth watching (that recently acclaimed 'DRC2006' movie, for example), though I'm sure some prefer that.
#2 - Ndrew
Just watched it. What is sure that it wasn't boring
Was really good 2 watch and the music gave it a big "fun overlay".
i liked the previous one too, but this one is better.
really nice mov, good job

The other FinalGear movies are by others, by the way.
How many times did the cameraman die there?

but yeah, very nice move!
#5 - d6nn
good good good. i loove the music. very nice . g job

FinalGear-Season2 racing music video thing
(5 posts, started )