2 Models.
Racing shots:

Concept Art :

Model A for XR GT Turbo, FXO Turbo and RB4 GT. Look at the calipers, please:

Darker Zone

Model B for XR GT Turbo, FXO Turbo and RB4 GT. Look at the calipers, please:

Darker Zone

For the rest. Look at the calipers, please:

Darker zone

Donwload. Checked with Avast antivirus
Other links:
Team fortitude and thanks to Morpha again.
LFS Database (site down at the moment)
Don't you like these addons?
My recomendations:
From r4ptor. Car selection background
From lfsdatabase, brake calipers &discs.
Sorry by ortography on the presentacion of the second and third addon.
Calippers --> Calipers.