The Portuguese League Live For Speed is pleased to announce the presentation of the LFS Championship LP 2010, the registration will be open to all interested pilots where there will be an available form.
The cars available are the GTR's, riders can customize the skins is their way, this will be indicated with the dispatch of the skins is no organization, we have the largest possible number of participation on your part because it is a Championship in national and international.

Conditions of Participation:
-All riders must obtain a license S2
-Respect in all the Official Rules of LP LFS
Welfare Join the LP LFS
Get the must-Communication Software
Registration:-required to submit the properly completed form
-This Championship will start only if it reached the maximum of 30 entries
-No application form will have 3 cars to choose preferred option as 1st, 2nd and 3rd. (The Administration has the right to choose to share a car if all drivers have chosen the same car).
»»» Pistas / Circuits «««
»»» Calendario / Calendar «««
Horário / Hours 21 h 30
(hours of Portugal)
safety car on track devidamente identified
variable climate
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where you can download the form for registering