Is LFS like real racing?
(33 posts, started )
Is LFS like real racing?
I'm hunting down some track action in the bay area (I live in San Francisco) and came across the following video.

Watching this I realised, OMG, this is JUST like a good LFS race. It has all the elements... people just catching the grass and spinning out, catching someone infront and rubbing a bit of bumper, mad starts, crazy overtakes... and the guy on the first lap who goes wide and then cuts the entire track to end up in the gravel MUST be an LFS n00b
I think rules in LFS are alot stricter than in real life, you can get away with things in real life that you can't in LFS.
In real life its easier to rub than in LFS and its slightly dodgy collision model.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :I think rules in LFS are alot stricter than in real life, you can get away with things in real life that you can't in LFS.

Anything specific wrt the rules?
Quote from boothy :Anything specific?

Touching candy barriers? I mean you kind of "get away" with that in LFS, but quite a bit farther away than you want
I think that you can rub up against other cars better in real life than in lfs. In lfs if you are next to another car going into a corner and you rub the side of them then sometimes it can cause a lag-crash which obv doesn't happen in real life.
it is like real racing apart from:
  • The Sounds
  • The Vibrations
  • The Smells
  • The G-forces
  • The Locations
  • The Costs
in essence its a long way from the real thing.
Sim racing requires little dedication, effort, and commitment... whereas real racing does.
Quote from Intrepid :Sim racing requires little dedication, effort, and commitment... whereas real racing does.

Neither requires any of the things listed, success in either requires all the things listed.
Quote from morpha :Neither requires any of the things listed, success in either requires all the things listed.

rubbish! Sim racing requires little effort and dedication in comparison.
Quote from Intrepid :Sim racing requires little dedication...

Not true, i would call hours of practice dedication.
Quote from anttt69 :Not true, i would call hours of practice dedication.

But I still suppose Ant is right, I mean, Saturday/Sunday's MoE race, none of the drivers just landed on the server, didn't drive a lap of the combo, and went away to race. I'm sure there was weeks and weeks and weeks of setup tuning and re-tuning, and fine tuning, and combo practice.....
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :I think rules in LFS are alot stricter than in real life, you can get away with things in real life that you can't in LFS.

In real life, you can't get away with death.
I was actually talking more about what moves are acceptable/not. Ive seen people in real racing push people onto the grass, tap people in teh ass and make them spin etc If you did any of these in an LFS league you'd be penalised. Id say they're quite alot different, both have better and worse qualities but obviously you can't beat real racing but LFS is a good substitute.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :I was actually talking more about what moves are acceptable/not. Ive seen people in real racing push people onto the grass, tap people in teh ass and make them spin etc If you did any of these in an LFS league you'd be penalised. Id say they're quite alot different, both have better and worse qualities but obviously you can't beat real racing but LFS is a good substitute.

In reality you don't have as much time and as many angles to watch replays. Also real racing is just a bit more ... less pansy. You give some you take some... all within reason of course. Of course there are limits... the BTCC seems to ignore those though.

If real racing had the same scrutiny as LFS races no race would ever be called because of the endless protests.
Quote from pearcy_2k7 :I was actually talking more about what moves are acceptable/not. Ive seen people in real racing push people onto the grass, tap people in teh ass and make them spin etc If you did any of these in an LFS league you'd be penalised. Id say they're quite alot different, both have better and worse qualities but obviously you can't beat real racing but LFS is a good substitute.

Of course though there is the MSA licence system, you'll be banned if you get 12 points on your licence in a 12 month period, collecting points ranging from 2 for a formal reprimand up to 6 for exclusion from a meeting, and of course your licence won't be upgraded if you're a numpty. Have a good look at the "Blue book" (section C for that stuff)

Edit: and remember, most clubbie series will generally have the CotC interview drivers, rely on observer's reports and circuit cameras, and then perhaps telemetry but that's unlikely to be available straightaway. So LFS vs RL decision making is a lot different.
Quote from JPeace :lol james?

scott (duck) turned up without any laps lol.
and marc gassner (marcg) did very little laps.

dont say things you dont know anything about

Might be the other way around.

The 24hr race had many people racing without much practice (our GT1 team started real late as well) but that doesn't mean its like that for every round, nor every league. If you think the top guys don't have dedication and effort, you'd be lying to yourself.

Holidays screwed us over so we had much less practice. Plus with the rate of development it freakin screws us all up and we get burned out and don't want to waste time practicin for the SAME stuff over and over.
Quote from JPeace :

wouldnt be surpirised to see blueflame anytime soon

I'm here yo.

Both need dedication if you wanna be good, but fear and death don't account for computer usage. Unless you like to touch open hardware or ram your hands in plug sockets.
Quote :// NOTE 2) Motion simulators can be dangerous. The Live for Speed developers do
// not support any motion systems in particular and cannot accept responsibility
// for injuries or deaths connected with the use of such machinery.

Just "foa teh lulz"
Quote from morpha :Just "foa teh lulz"

You'd have to be an idiot to die in a motionsensory equipment...
The only way I'd say it's similar to real life racing is with regards to racecraft. Having a good close battle with someone around a LFS track can just about be the same as doing it in real life; you can use similar moves and tactics to try and get past.

Granted, though, in real life the dents don't dissapear as soon as you enter your garage, unfortunately.
I find driving well in the virtual world is harder. I find it's easier in real life because you can feel everything. With sims you have to guess a little bit and it's like driving blind. My favorite thing about driving fast is feeling the car start to shift around and get a bit squirmy, and I don't get that in sims.
Quote from MadCat360 :I find driving well in the virtual world is harder. I find it's easier in real life because you can feel everything.

This is an interesting point. I think sims can in some ways be much harder to drive than reality in terms of going fast. It's not so much a 'you feel less' but more about having more drivers to compare too, and the fact I could, in theory, do 1000s of hours driving every year for very little cash.

I am 50.67777% sure that if Lewis Hamilton could drive his McLaren every day at Silverstone for a whole year, like a simulation, he would lap up to a second quicker than everyone else.

Suddenly Button would turn up put in a lap, he thought was AWESOME, and look at the time and ho 'How did HE do that, these cars must be SO HARD to get right?'

You get my point.
Quote from Intrepid :This is an interesting point. I think sims can in some ways be much harder to drive than reality in terms of going fast. It's not so much a 'you feel less' but more about having more drivers to compare too, and the fact I could, in theory, do 1000s of hours driving every year for very little cash.

I am 50.67777% sure that if Lewis Hamilton could drive his McLaren every day at Silverstone for a whole year, like a simulation, he would lap up to a second quicker than everyone else.

Suddenly Button would turn up put in a lap, he thought was AWESOME, and look at the time and ho 'How did HE do that, these cars must be SO HARD to get right?'

You get my point.

Yeah I can see that. Another point too is that sims, no matter how realistic, will always have little quirks to be exploited. Someone driving the sim in the same manner that they do in real life would most likely not take advantge of these quirks. Like the extreme and unrealistic setups some people use in LFS, or the constant power shifting in iRacing.
not at all but after 2 years of racing this is the closest in feal to when i race.
and i agree that you can't have any fear(that all went when i lept a 1ton car 5ft in the air and nearly rolled)

Is LFS like real racing?
(33 posts, started )