The online racing simulator
[HELP] Gray edges on skin

I'm working on a skin for the FZ5 but gray lines appear on the edges of the car. (when going from side to top/hood, most notably on the left-hand side of the car, as shown in the pic in the end of the post). How do I fix the edges? The skin is still in primitive stage so don't mind its bad quality!

Clic pic for larger.

Check that you haven't got a Stroke effect applied to any part of the skin kit if you're using GIMP or Photoshop.
Could be the default skin of mask coming though? Maybe it's the wrong size? a few % too big/small?

Just some guesses...
#4 - macsy
Are you using MS kits (wireframes, particularly)? I know I haven't had errors like that with the kits. Also, posting the skin file could help.
Could be a stroke effect like LineR32 says, or possibly feathered edges + bad antialising settings on the Viewer.
Further away you get from the skin in LFS the lower res the model is and when that happens the Mask tends to show through so maybe . I tried it with a pink mask xD
A screenshot alone won't help; as others have said, post the skinfile